IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
Leopold_ Ohhh Xeha sorry for lake of answer
Leopold_ I have seted up incoming (server tunnel)
Leopold_ I have low amount of connections in <my envirment>
Leopold_ I didn't send my certificates nowhere
Leopold_ I have you and RSUser-I as active in "network" tab
Leopold_ Also I have question: In settings -> network -> setup hidden service -> incoming. I have nonactive field "local adress", it preinstalled as How I can write here another adress, if I have i2p router on different machine in my local network?
Xeha Leopold: thats forcefully 127.1 by RS. The easiest way would be to do a reverse ssh port forward, ie the "ssh -R" mode.
Leopold Pkay, thanks
Leopold In retroshare I reseiced mail with new certificates
Leopold I added them