IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
acetone Hi all! I run "major" logger bot in this channel for future users and I2P history. If some operator is hate the chat logging, I'll disconncted it and remove all mentoins of this chat from logs. Archive web UI: major.acetone.i2p
zzz according to /rules, bots require explicit approval of channel ops. I approve.
acetone zzz: thanks
eche|on ok, has a issue with high load error and not loading tunnels config
eche|on it takes several restarts until tunnels config are loaded, nothing in logs
eche|on and restart button in console ends it not really, "i2prouter status" showing "stopping" for a very long time
zzz hmmm
eche|on 2 with more traffic/tunnels it was, the poother 4 with only 1/2 tunnels had no issues
eche|on the other 4...
eche|on not running as service on debian with latest debian packages built by myself
zzz not reported or seen before, except with some preliminary NTCP changes that aren't checked in yet
eche|on was the first I see this error, and on 2 systems now
eche|on just to keep a eye on it, as no logs available
eche|on (but strange it shows "tunnels not initiated yet, wait 2 min and reload" even after 10 min uptime
eche|on and still showing the high load error
eche|on while there is not traffic at all shown in graphs
zzz if it happens again, take a thread dump via console or 'i2prouter dump', copypasta out of wrapper log and email to me
eche|on ah, ok, yeah
eche|on missed that, sorry
zzz not related to any new idk plugin?
eche|on no, not running any idk plugin
eche|on nothing chnaged on the router sind 1.5.0, just upgrading
zzz no ideas atm
zzz the big changes aren't checked in yet ))
eche|on ok, will keep a look on it
not_bob acetone: I just assume everything here is logged anyway.