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mesh zzz: two things....
mesh zzz: (1) thanks very much for fixing the issue with org.apache.http. Upgrading to 1.8 and it seems like the issue is fixed but I want to do more testing
mesh zzz: (2) whenever I run my app the I2P code is generating logs...
mesh was wondering how should i2p native applications that use the socket api configure the logging that i2p does?
zzz mesh, via a logger.config file, or programatically via context.logManager(), or redirect everything by extending LogManger and context.setLogManager()
zzz dr|z3d, I need expert snark css help please
mesh zzz: thanks! I will look into context.setLogManager
dr|z3d zzz: what's up?
zzz you know the message box at the top, and theres a scrollbar that appears when hovered over, and the clear log X icon jumps to the left when the scrollbar appears ?
zzz so, as of whatever firefox I have now, the X icon doesn't jump to the left anymore, making it impossible to click on
zzz still works in chrome
dr|z3d try reducing the width of the ul or li.
zzz is this something to do with z-index? because inspect element say that z-index doesnt work, blah blah static
dr|z3d you can add a tracer to see exactly how wide the ul is.. just add a backround: #f00 tempomporarily.
dr|z3d *background
dr|z3d if that's not the issue, we'll have to rethink, but I suspect it might be.
zzz never was a fan of the jumping X anyway. Why does the scrollbar hide itself, and can that be disabled?
dr|z3d change overflow: auto; to overflow-y: scroll; on the parent.
zzz the snarkMessages div is overflow: hidden
zzz what am I looking for in the ul width, I can get that out of the inspector
zzz this is not a z-index thing?
zzz pretty sure this was not a css change on our side, but a firefox change
dr|z3d it hides itself because cosmetics, the latest firefox on linux will do something vaguely similar, so you might not get the result you want there.
zzz ff 100.0.2
dr|z3d firefox prefs -> general -> always show scrollbars option.
zzz pfft
dr|z3d and no, not a z-index thing per se, more likely a width of the ul thing.
zzz overflow: auto doesn't do anything
dr|z3d overflow: auto is what you should have already. overflow-y: scroll is what you want to make the scrollbar persistent, but as I said, the firefox default behavior on Linux may override that.
dr|z3d you could try a z-index shift, notwithstanding. set position relative on the ul and tweak accordingly.
zzz playing with the right margin/padding on the ul, no change
dr|z3d padding won't cut it, margin might, or just set the width.
dr|z3d width: calc(100% - 40px) or somesuch.
zzz the ul doesn't have a width now
zzz the div is 100% - 12px
zzz changing the div with didn't help
dr|z3d try making the ul -> display: inline-block ?
dr|z3d oh, hang on, just looking at my css.
zzz adding width to ul doesnt help
dr|z3d on the element with position: stikcky, still got that for the close icon?
zzz the <a id=closeLog element?
dr|z3d throw a z-index: 500 or something on that, see if that fixes. yeah, that's probably it.
zzz that's the one with the z-index: 1000 that ff is complaining about doesn't do anything
dr|z3d is it position: sticky ?
zzz z-index has no effect on this element because it's not a positioned element
zzz no, no position
dr|z3d ah, you been fiddling again :P
dr|z3d make it position: sticky; top: 2px (or whatever works to keep it hugged tight to the top of the div) and then the z-index should work.
dr|z3d position: fixed or position: absolute may also work. see what works for you.
zzz no, no fiddling
zzz Blinded message
zzz but the z-index is on #closeLog which is the id of the <a>
dr|z3d ah, that could be it. z-index on the sticky element, move that to the <a>
zzz adding position: sticky to the div makes the warning go away, but no other change
dr|z3d want it on the close image or <a container> probably the latter.
zzz z-index: 1000 on the img, no effect
dr|z3d make sure <a> container for img as position: sticky, then add the z-index to it.
zzz yeah that's #closeLog, did that, no effect
dr|z3d lose position: sticky from the img. parent will have it.
zzz no effect no matter what I do
zzz you have the same issue on plus? can I just be lazy and let you find it?
dr|z3d no, no issue here. resolved it years ago.
zzz but never had the problem here until ff 100
dr|z3d yeah, that's the new linux scrollbar mechanism
dr|z3d you could try adding: scrollbar-width: thin; to the screenlog div, zzz.
dr|z3d that might not be an acceptable solution, however, might be too thin to be useful.
dr|z3d (I use a javascript height toggle to workaround that issue)
zzz yeah that lets the left side of the X be clickable
dr|z3d you could also try this: a:hover ~ ul {pointer-events: none}
dr|z3d with the specific id of the close icon as the a id.
dr|z3d *close icon a wrapper
dr|z3d might be chicken and egg, though, it will only disable the ul if you can reach the a.
zzz ok increasing the right margin on the X img enough to leave room for the scrollbar gets the job done
dr|z3d *thumbs up*
zzz so that would prevent the jumping X, and make it clickable always, downside is the X isn't in the corner anymore
dr|z3d yeah, still don't understand why you can't shrink the width of the ul.
dr|z3d it's the ul that's intefering with access to the close icon.
zzz no, still jumpy on chrome
dr|z3d if the ul is dispay: block then you can add use margin-right: auto to ensure it reduces its width, though inline-block might be preferable, given you can use pixels to determine margins (or a width: calc(100% - 40px) or whatever.
zzz it's display: block
dr|z3d reducing the width of the ul is probably your best be to ensure it doesn't overlap the close icon. or working out why you can't z-index the icon <a> link.
zzz reducing the width has no effect
dr|z3d put a background color on the ul and make sure when you reduce the width it removes the overlap.
zzz I can see it when I hover on it with inspect element
zzz I'll go with the margin change for now. thanks for your help
dr|z3d what about padding, maybe that's extending the width of the ul to cause the overlap?
dr|z3d sure thing, sorry we couldn't arrive at a quick, satisfactory-all-over solution. css, fiddly business sometimes. :|
zzz I added 100 px of margin, way more than the padding
dr|z3d strange. I know I spent more time than desirable working with the screenlog to fix the issue(s).
dr|z3d but this was a year or more ago.
zzz eyedeekay, did you get android 12 yet?
eyedeekay No I think the maximum I have on a real device is Android 11, the rest I have to do in the Emulator
zzz got it last week, my battery life went from a week to a day
zzz phone only a few months old
eyedeekay That seems incredibly wasteful on the vendor's part, I wonder if it was done in error?
eyedeekay Yeesh I just found a blog that says it might be because the phones are repeatedly, actively checking for certain updates that they already have and that the only way to fix it sometimes is to factory-reset and reinstall the updates
eyedeekay But that's just from googling "Android 12 battery drain"
zzz seems like most of the complaints are pixel and samsung, which isn't what I have, and no definitive answer even for those
zzz anyway, heads up, if you get the update, think before you click it
eyedeekay Thanks I will