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orignal not yet
orignal only relays
orignal but I have another question
orignal do we support "keep-alive" in server tunnel?
orignal HTTP tunnel
orignal you can turn it on but I don't publish that cap yet
zzz huh?
zzz TCP keep alive locally?
Xeha Not TCP, HTTP. search for "Connection: Keep-Alive"
Xeha Its a HTTP 1.1 thing where you can define on the timeout (till connection gets closed) and how many subsequent request you can do over the already open connection
zzz oh, ok, thanks for clarification
zzz we don't support that
orignal zzz basically if few request my come throug a stream
orignal for now I assume only one request
orignal but people complain
zzz I tried to make it work in 2005
orignal that subsequent request don't have X-I2P- tags
orignal so how you handle subsequent requests?
zzz it's really hard to do a proxy that gets it right
orignal just close connection?
orignal or drop?
zzz we always respond with Connection: Close
orignal so, you let first one pass trough add X-I2P headers
orignal if more comes you close. right?
zzz we always respond with Connection: Close, so the client side should never send another
orignal when?
orignal when you receive response from server and send back?
zzz both the server side and client side, I think
orignal I mean from HTTP server
zzz also, we strip connection: keep-alive on the client side, so it never gets to the server
orignal thanks. will do the same
orignal how about socks proxy?
orignal that what that guys do
orignal they try it through socks proxy
zzz it's possible it might end up with both a connection: close and a connection: keep-alive, not sure
zzz haven't thought about all the combinations possible
zzz the important thing is if the proxy doesn't support it, don't let keep-alive go through
zzz so either support it or block it :)
orignal but we should strip it out on server side
zzz yeah, it's a good point, it looks like I only strip it on the client side
R4SAS maybe replace, not strip?
orignal but anyway even if you send Connection: Close
R4SAS replace any "Connection" header with close
orignal what you do if next request comes
zzz right, you have to put in Connection: Close if you strip it
R4SAS but really, I don't understand problem...
zzz the proxy must know about keep-alive for it to work. I don't think it just magically works if you don't have code for it
orignal R4SAS read 333.i2p
orignal basically I just pass it through as is
orignal in the current code
R4SAS only if client using socks
zzz ok have the client-side proxy code in front of me:
zzz we replace all Connection: xxx headers with Connection: Close, EXCEPT Connection: Upgrade, we leave as-is
zzz we also strip Keep-Alive: and Proxy-Connection: headers, don't remember what they do
orignal I care more abuut server side
zzz we also do the same thing on the client side in handling the response
zzz now for the two directions on the server side:
zzz found it, in the request, we also replace Connection: xxx with Connection: Close, except for Upgrade
orignal good to know
orignal will do the same
zzz we don't do anything with the response on the server side
zzz so, 3 out of 4 places, we force Connection: Close. That should be sufficient
zzz of course, if you can code up a working proxy implementation, great
zzz actually, what I worked on in 2005 was HTTP pipelining. It was hard and I gave up.
zzz keep-alive is "HTTP Persistent Connections"
zzz in 1.1, persistent connections is the default so you MUST put in a Connection: Close header if there's no connection header present if you want to force it off
zzz thats why I said strip and add, not replace
orignal but my question is
orignal if there a malfunctioning client or advesary
orignal that sends more requests even with Connection: Close
zzz the server wouldn't expect it even if it got to the server
orignal so you pass through
zzz I don't think we even pass data through after the headers, except for POST and CONNECT
zzz so it wouldn't get through my server-side proxy for GET or HEAD
orignal so you don't pass HTTP header as it comes from I2P?
zzz we do filtering/processing in all 4 places: client side request/response and server side request/response
zzz each place has unique requirements
orignal got it
orignal I need to filter requests at server side
zzz yeah we actually do quite a lot of processing of requests on the server side
orignal thanks
orignal need to take care
orignal I filter responses but not requests
zzz throttling, blocking, spoof prevention, x-i2p-gzip preference, removing internal i2p headers, inproxy detection, user-agent blocking, putting in the desthash headers, ...
zzz fixing up the Host header, canonicalizing the headers, ...
zzz and a lot of timers and counters to prevent slowloris attacks and other ddos stuff
orignal I only add desthashes
zzz yeah that's another place you want to strip and then add, to prevent spoofing
zzz because you don't know what the server does if there's two identical headers
orignal I know
orignal time to fix it