IRCaBot 2.1.0
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RN ping str4d and or zzz. Please voice eepercreepers, they have some errors to report.
eepercreepers good early morning i2p devs, thanks for the voice
eepercreepers i've noticed a couple of screwey issues since updating to 1.9
eepercreepers i run I2P-java in its own Qube VM. normally works fine (except for that damned "network : firewalled" bit). However, after updating, i have to reconfigure my tunnels every time i restart my router.
eeperscreepers when i troubleshoot it, i click on to the configuration tab after restarting my router, head to the tunnels section, and its got weird options selected. for example, itll have like "3 backup, -2 random, 1 tunnel, 0 hops" or something of that sort. another strange problem, the address book acts as if i don't have any subscriptions. i have 4 hosts.txt lists, but when I visit an eepsite i haven't visited
eeperscreepers since before i updated, i still have to jump it and click on the "add to addressbook" option.
zzz register your nick and let me know and you'll have permanent voice
eeperscreepers okay, thanks. i am new to IRC2P, how do i register the nick?
eeperscreepers i'm sure i'll figure it out
zzz look at the help over in the Irc2P tab
zzz for qubes help I suggest you post over on zzz.i2p, there's some qubes people there
eeperscreepers okay, registered my nick. i believe
eeperscreepers zzz: so you think this is a qubes specific problem?
zzz I don't know much about qubes, but haven't heard about any config corruption before
eeperscreepers hmm..strange. i even double check the actual file in my terminal and its got the default values
eeperscreepers what about the address book situation?
zzz no ideas
eeperscreepers bummer. thanks for the advice, i'll be making a post soon.
robin I observe that the SAM3 bridge listens to once a DATAGRAM session is started. Is there a way to change that to something else? I do not see it in the config file for SAM.
robin I *was* able to change the setting for the TCP part of SAM.