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eyedeekay I've tried and I've tried but the only bug that's been described to me that I've been able to consistently reproduce on both Windows 10 and 11 is the missing hosts file issue, which I was going to fix Monday but am fixing today instead.
eyedeekay Windows 10 and Windows 11 both create an addressbook when supplied with a remote hosts.txt at a b32 address.
eyedeekay I was unable to reproduce the issue of the hostsdb being missing or unusable on either Windows, fresh user accounts, fresh VM's.
eyedeekay Windows 11 did have a additional bug launching the browser because it was being started in the wrong directory, so the exe would launch but it wouldn't know where to find the JVM/runtime bundle. I believe this to be the source of some of the issues.
eyedeekay The fix for that is in and I've tested it on a new Windows 11 VM.
eyedeekay Point release in the morning.
zzz eyedeekay, the reddit bug is adding to private addressbook. root cause is can't add to an empty address book.
zzz easily reproducible. I have a fix now
zzz up to you if you want to cherry pick it
zzz but please follow up on the reddit thread, you left that guy hanging
eyedeekay Ack, will follow up after I release it
eyedeekay Where do I find the empty address book fix to cherry-pick it?
zzz not checked in yet
zzz doing final testing now
zzz I don't know what happened but it's reproducible in 10 seconds and was reported before the release, you said you were investigating that night and then nothing.
zzz of course cherry picking won't help OP unless he's running the bundle
eyedeekay I couldn't find it. I was trying to find it on Debian where the OP said they were and not on Windows where it was easiest to find
zzz doesn't matter linux/windows
zzz just an empty address book
zzz FYI looks like you broke it March 24 2021 "script and style changes to address book"
zzz I'm adding comments to the jsp to make it clear
eyedeekay I will pull up that checkin and look at what I did
zzz basically you moved the HTTP POST form processing call inside a if (book.notEmpty) {} block
zzz pushed
eyedeekay Thanks zzz
zzz ok. don't know much about your missing hosts.txt issue but we need to do better. test test test test
zlatinb eyedeekay: the hostsdb file isn´t a bug, I just mentioned that I had to copy a hostsdb.blockfile from a live router to bootstrap on windows 11
eyedeekay should have the Windows 11 specific issues under control if you want to try it.
zlatinb let me create a user and give it a try
zzz not 1.9.1 ?
eyedeekay Made it last night before I bumped the release number
eyedeekay Well, this morning
eyedeekay It'll be 1.9.1 for release
eyedeekay New daily with the cherry-pick should be uploaded in ~30 minutes too, will post here when it's done
zlatinb the current daily I just tried does launch the browser, although it exited the browser right away. Maybe something to do with an I2P router already running as another user
eyedeekay Maybe, it's supposed to account for that... did Mozilla Crash Reporter come up or anything like that?
zlatinb no, just exited
eyedeekay Shit. Vanilla Firefox or TBB?
zlatinb vanilla firefox, subsequent launch works fine
eyedeekay OK, what happens when you run it is that it checks if there's an I2P router already running. If there isn't one, it starts it. If there is one, it makes sure 4444 is open, and launches a browser window.
eyedeekay In order to make it launch the constrained browser profile from the systray menu, the systray menu is configured to re-launch the jpackage I2P.exe itself, but it needs to be run from inside the jpackage directory so it can find all the runtime stuff it needs.
eyedeekay The result of this though is at the end of the NSIS routine the Router is launched then the router re-launches itself to launch a browser but because the NSIS routine is over it thinks that it's got no where to run and so the browser immediately gets closed
eyedeekay But the side-effect which is positive is that it unpacks the working profile the user will be using in the directory where they will be using it.
eyedeekay That's why it doesn't look like a crash to Firefox, it's getting closed normally
zlatinb interesting
zlatinb so how do we make that not look weird to the end user?
eyedeekay That's a good question. I could add a marker to the profile that says this is the first run, and add a step to the validation routine in i2p.plugins.firefox, which stops it short of the launch if we're on the first run
zlatinb I´m ok with removing the option to run from nsis as well
zlatinb but I think your approach may be better
eyedeekay That's easier, right now there are ~3 run-from-nsis scenarios because of admin adminless and updater installs
eyedeekay I'll try both
eyedeekay See which one looks better
zzz zlatinb, did you say that Windows 11 changes make the non-bundle install somehow less pleasant? what's the issue?
zlatinb zzz: nothing specific to windows 11, just the non-bundle install is generally unpleasant
zlatinb in fact the only really nasty thing about win 11 is the ¨S-mode¨ which is turned on by default and prevents non-windows-store installs
zlatinb and to opt out of it one needs an account with microsoft
eyedeekay That's predicably invisible in the VM