IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
NULL I will say the ease of use between all their items is the main thing that got me into Apple from a business side of things, but linux will always hold a spot in my heart just currently trying to find a decently priced out thinkpad W500
NULL Also is there any downside to running in the runplain mode?
dr|z3d well, you don't get a restart button on the console sidebar.
dr|z3d and you don't get to set jvm ram limits, but the OS should handle that ok.
dr|z3d otherwise, not really.
NULL So I would basically just need to restart the machine and reboot the router, not to terrible
dr|z3d no need to restart the machine as such, you'd just run i2prouter stop
NULL Also do you happen to know the name of the vhost bot, I am drawing a blank and the echelon server description didn't have it listed
NULL Its not letting me utilize the i2prouter commands
dr|z3d talk to postman re vhosts. it requires a fixed b32 on your irc client tunnel.
NULL since the wrapper failed
dr|z3d vhosts are assigned upon request.
dr|z3d ah, then maybe you'd just have to kill the process, or better still, just hit the shutdown button in the console.
dr|z3d arm or intel?
NULL I have a vhost registered but anytime the router reboots I have to relink the new b32 address to it before it will work. I have done it through the bot before just can't recall the /msg part
NULL arm
RN I think the static irc dest (fixed) is optional
RN the bot is irc2pbot
dr|z3d you'd know better than me, RN, as you're on a custom vhost, no?
NULL thats it, thank you
RN yep
dr|z3d you can grab a vhost from there without bothering postman?
NULL I have been able to
dr|z3d ah, then I know nothing :)
RN if I recall correctly, registering the tunnel dest is one option of setting it up. If you did that, just make a new irc tunnel, set it static, and register that, or stop the default one and set to static
dr|z3d NULL: you might be able to get the wrapper installed from here:
NULL I shall try that
RN nothing is an exageration Doctor
dr|z3d if you do manage to get the wrapper working (there's an ARM native version) then let us know.
NULL RN, feel dumb but what was the bots help command again
NULL got it installed but still get this error: **Failed to load the wrapper**
NULL The most likely reason is that a supported version of the java
NULL wrapper is not available in the I2P installation package for your
NULL platform. It may be possible to manually download and install
NULL a compatible wrapper for your system.
NULL In the meantime, you may start I2P by running the script
dr|z3d yeah, you'd need to put the relevant files in your i2p app dir.
dr|z3d see what's there, see what you can extract/copy over.
dr|z3d relevant folder is i2p/lib .. a couple of files there.
NULL I don't appear to have a i2p/lib folder
dr|z3d on linux, libwrapper-linux-*.so and
dr|z3d you do, just not in your config dir. app dir.
dr|z3d without that, i2p wouldn't be running.
dr|z3d presumably you're also looking at ?
NULL I am not seeing in in the i2p folder under Application Support at all
dr|z3d filesearch for i2p/
dr|z3d should turn up somewhere.
NULL Going to attempt the steps on manual one more time
NULL That method tells me: cp: /ip2svc: Read-only file system
NULL Can't get past there
NULL Extracted the wrapper into the i2p folder as I still cant seem to locate the i2p/lib folder. I see it referenced but it doesn't return in the search results
dr|z3d not under applications/i2p ?
NULL the wrapper.conf is in the i2p folder by itself
dr|z3d then that's possibly the wrong location. did you select an install location at install time?
dr|z3d try /users/yourname/i2p perhaps
dr|z3d or wherever macos keeps its users folder.
NULL Finally found it, I am way to high for what I am currently attempting to do apparently lol
dr|z3d located where, for future reference?
dr|z3d also, you shouldn't be copying anything to /
NULL right where it should have been this entire time I was reading i2p/lid
dr|z3d stay off the crack pipe!
NULL Never in my life
NULL So I downloaded the arm pkg and extracted the contents, do i paste those into i2p/lib
dr|z3d check with the help page.
dr|z3d > on linux, libwrapper-linux-*.so and go in i2p/lib/
dr|z3d so work around that. no harm in copying more there than required.
NULL do you have a link to the help page by chance?
dr|z3d > presumably you're also looking at ?
dr|z3d see also though I don't know how helpful that will be.
NULL Yes and I am not seeing any of the stated files there in whats extraced from the wrapper pkg file
dr|z3d In the steps below, $I2P means the location I2P was installed to.
dr|z3d tar xzf wrapper-*.tar.gz
dr|z3d cp wrapper*/bin/wrapper $I2P/i2psvc
dr|z3d cp wrapper*/lib/wrapper.jar $I2P/lib
dr|z3d cp wrapper*/lib/ $I2P/lib
dr|z3d Try to start I2P using $I2P/i2prouter start
dr|z3d tail -f /tmp/wrapper.log and look for any problems.
dr|z3d >>> If this did not work you'll need to use to start I2P.
dr|z3d all I've got.
NULL guess it is runplain mode till the next easy bundle for OSX because I just don't understand why the commands aren't seeming to work.
dr|z3d no real harm running without the wrapper, as I've stated.
dr|z3d what you lose from no wrapper you gain from being able to stay current, run development builds, install I2P+ etc.
NULL Was just curious to see if I was able to get it going but cp wrapper*/bin/wrapper $I2P/i2psvc returns the error cp: /i2psvc: Read-only file system and trying to sh the command first I get /bin/cp: /bin/cp: cannot execute binary file.
dr|z3d and I'm sure with enough time and motivation you can get the wrapper working.
NULL Exactly I prefer to stay current vs the extras the bundle currently offers
dr|z3d >>> In the steps below, $I2P means the location I2P was installed to.
dr|z3d you never did confirm the install location.
NULL straight facepalm, I need to put the weed away for the night I didn't even realize that
dr|z3d the filesystem errors are instructive. you're trying to copy files to the root dir, which won't be writeable by anything but the root/admin acct.
dr|z3d so, where on your filesystem is i2p installed?
dr|z3d for future reference, just in case another doped up macos user turns up wanting to know how to install the wrapper. :)
NULL they are in /Applications/i2p
dr|z3d ok, we got there finally.
NULL The first instructions still failed so I am going to attempt to compile from source
dr|z3d so replace $12P in the above instructions with /Applications/i2p
NULL I have already done so and isn't in the wrapper so I tried to start without and go the same error and when I clicked the link for the source code the page isnt there anymore
NULL got*
dr|z3d libwrapper.dylib may be what you need.
dr|z3d that may be equivalent to what linux refers to as a .so module, or windows refers to as a dll. just a hunch.
NULL Trying just one more time because I am determined to get it working and figure out the issues
dr|z3d also verify that your wrapper.config file contains the correct path for your install, NOT "INSTALL_PATH in the locations a path is specified.
dr|z3d * $INSTALL_PATH
dr|z3d or $SYSTEM_java_io_tmpdir
dr|z3d $INSTALL_PATH => /Applications/i2p
dr|z3d $SYSTEM_java_io_tmpdir => /tmp/ or wherever macos's shared temp folder resides.
dr|z3d copy libwrapper.dylib to /Applications/i2p/lib/
NULL Alright one sec
dr|z3d (from the wrapper download, in the lib folder)
NULL the .dylib isn't there for the arm version
NULL and everything in the config seems correct
dr|z3d yes the file is.
dr|z3d I wouldn't have known about it if I didn't download the ARM wrapper tar.gz
NULL going to attempt to swap the wrapper.conf file the i2p created default with the new one as well and see if that makes a difference
dr|z3d have you extracted libwrapper.dylib to i2p/lib ?
dr|z3d if you want to just YOLO it, I'll leave you to it.
NULL I didn't see a libwrapper.dylib file but let me double check
dr|z3d otherwise, please try and follow instructions, not do random stuff like use a new wrapper file or anything else.
dr|z3d wrapper-macosx-arm-64-3.5.51/lib/ <- the file is there.
dr|z3d obviously you downloaded the community edition.
dr|z3d NOT standard, NOT professional.
NULL redownloaded the file and its there now, for whatever reason the first time that file was called libwrapper.jnilib and as soon as i redownloaded and extracted it was the .dylib
NULL Im using the community version
dr|z3d so, with the ORIGINAL wrapper.config file installed, try i2prouter status
dr|z3d that is, once you've put that file in the correct location.
NULL I didn't end up trying that as the files where extremely different when I opened them up
NULL Alright got everything we have mentioned copied to the correct places, all files are correct, still same error.
NULL Final thing I am going to do is a quick restart of the laptop to see if that changes anything
NULL otherwise runplain mode it is
dr|z3d no real issue. wouldn't expend any more energy on it right now. maybe circle back to it later when you're not stoned.
dr|z3d you might want to autostart when your computer boots, through whatever mechanism apple provides.
NULL dr|zed alright so just gonna ride with runplain mode for now but anytime the server is shutdown and I have to restart it with the jar version there is no persistance across the servers as far as tunnels setup or plugins and it throws this error even using runolain: /Applications/i2p/ line 54: %SYSTEM_java_io_tmpdir/ No such file or directory
NULL dr|z3d hit the wrong key
dr|z3d > $SYSTEM_java_io_tmpdir => /tmp/ or wherever macos's shared temp folder resides.
dr|z3d see if your paths are correctly configured in
dr|z3d line 54 might be worth looking at, specifically.
dr|z3d if it worked the first time, you must have replaced that file.
NULL double checked and sure enough I must have forgotten to resave the new install I downloaded file this time
NULL That issue is now resolved
NULL I am just having an insane off day today, missing things left and right
NULL Now to just figure out how to save the routers settings in between boots so I don't constantly have to redo my tunnels and pluggins
dr|z3d check /logs in your console for indications your config dir isn't writable or other related issues.
NULL No logs stating that, but the logs before the restart of the router are all gone as well. Like nothing about it saved when I shutdown
dr|z3d logs in the console will disappear when you restart the router. they may still be accessible in your config dir/router*.log
dr|z3d also, check the permissions on the config dir and make sure the ownership is correct.
dr|z3d for the folder and contents.
NULL Permissions all appear to be correct, but I searched and a router*.log wasnt located
dr|z3d see where i2p thinks it's storing its logs on /configlogging
zzz eyedeekay1, Android 2.1.0-1 referenced in the changelog is WIP? Released?
eyedeekay WIP zzz, not released
zzz ok eyedeekay you have a schedule to cut an intermediate release? because I need to get the home page stats translations tested and MR'ed at some point
eyedeekay My plan was/is to give myself this week to see what RyeMantis is talking the addressbook subscription thing and test, and release either Friday or Monday pending testing
zzz ok even if I did hustle that wouldn't leave any time for translations, so don't wait for me
eyedeekay Nothing that's not working properly is going to affect anyone's anonymity or completely prevent them from using the app, no new kinds of crashes or anything like that, I can delay as much as a week if it helps, it's just more time to test changes as far as I am concerned
zzz I just can't predict how long it's going to take me, both because of other stuff I'm doing and how long it's been since I tried to build and test android