IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
eyedeekay OK well then I'll stick to the one-week timeline
zzz not sure why you'd spend the time to cut an intermediate release for some 3rd party feature contribution but that's your call, just be sure to test test test :)
eyedeekay I also want to fix the subscriptions-not-saving issue and the disallowed ports in destinations issue
eyedeekay They're kind of small problems but people are finding them
eyedeekay Hey NULL I added the arm64 targets for Railroad
eyedeekay use darwin-arm64 for M1 Mac's and linux-arm64 for Pi 4's
dr|z3d nicely done, eyedeekay
NULL eyedeekay, thank you so much!
NULL Going to test them now
NULL eyedeekay, I tried to download them and got this error: ERROR […date Runner] …oleUpdateManager: Failed net.i2p.router.update.PluginUpdateRunner PLUGIN 157402564245273776 HTTP for PLUGIN: <b>Failed to download plugin from</b>
dr|z3d you probably need to use the .i2p link, NULL
dr|z3d or, um, download it manually and then install manually in the console. don't think you can download clearnet plugins via the console.
NULL I don't have the i2p link for his git account and that is what I am currently doing just wanted to make him aware incase it was some issue with github
dr|z3d yeah, I'm saying download the .su3 from github with your browser, normally, and then manually install it via /configplugins
NULL Yeah thats the route I am currently doing
NULL just found the i2p link as well, I was searching the git for railroad and getting no results so I tried searching for eyedeekay not realizing it was idk on there
NULL eyedeekay, both plugins installed and appear to be running but when I try to open it just states unable to connect
eyedeekay Sorry NULL fell asleep before hearing from you, you can download the su3's locally and install them from the disk or use the links on idk.i2p/railroad in the Plugins section
NULL Both of the links failed to download, so I did download them manually and both installed and started without constant failing or restarts this time. However the main page it's trying to load just says failure to connect to host
eyedeekay Can you reach localhost:7672 in a non-proxied browser?
NULL_AFK No I can't
eyedeekay Shoot... and is the M1 Mac or Pi 4 or both?
eyedeekay I'd be less surprised about the M1 Mac TBH
NULL_AFK Both had the same results but let me double check the pi through a none proxied browser
NULL_AFK Yeah neither one is reachable through proxy or not eyedeekay
NULL_AFK I am about to head to bed so I can mess with it some more when I wake up
eyedeekay OK let me know when we can sync up on some tests
NULL_AFK sounds good, I also shot you a pm regarding another issue as I was told you'd be able to help and wasn't sure what channel to ask in
NULL eyedeekay, just let me know when you would like me to run more test on the M1 and Pi 4 railroad plugins