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zzz eyedeekay, heads up, you're going to have to update izpack before the next release to fix github issue #86
zzz this is a 2 month old serious bug that hasn't been, you should have seen it as part of your 2.7.0 release checklist prep process and hollered
zzz so we're still failing on spying github tickets promptly
zzz current izpack release is 2.5.3, I've done some brief testing after building it, I couldn't find an official binary
zzz I'll have a binary up and instructions if you plan to build it yourself
zzz allow plenty of time for build/install/test between now and our release
zzz do you do installer5 builds in any of our CI? (probably not?)
eyedeekay No I don't have installer5 builds in CI, the furthest I make the CI go packaging-wise is generating's, but I can add a new target on top of that one and it should work fine
zzz well installer5 requires you to have the 90 MB izpack 5 installed separately, so it might be misery
zzz that's why izpack 4 ("installer" target) is generally fine since we bundle that
zzz but it's fugly on linux
zzz anyway there's no way this ticket should have gone unnoticed, it was posted a week before the 2.7.0 release and we should have investigated before then
eyedeekay Sorry about not seeing it. I think I can make them more visible to myself by making the github CI assign new issues to me automatically instead of needing to go through notifications
eyedeekay Or I could have it auto-assign them to you, or we can split them down the middle
eyedeekay As for CI builds with IzPack5 I'm going to give it a shot
zzz you're the github guy, why don't you take them first
zzz I wouldn't bother with the CI, and among other issues izpack doesn't post official release binaries
zzz the build from source was an adventure
zzz give me a few minutes and I'll post my notes
zzz OK if I bump to -3 because you're going to need that first
eyedeekay Yes feel free to bump to -3
zzz ok here we go
dr|z3d re izpack4..
dr|z3d have you tried building an installer using it on any version of java that doesn't have pack200?
dr|z3d if you had, you'd probably have noticed by now that it's broken. fortunately there's a fix, a custom izpack4 jar that has the pack200 code compiled in.
dr|z3d from our perspective, I don't see a huge advantage of 5 over 4. 5 supports html in the installer screens, didn't notice anything else different.