IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
zzz hold onto your hat
zzz is an inproxy, correct?
zzz yup, found discussion on my forum from 2014
zzz ok let's hope that Q&A doesn't land me in court as an expert witness...
zlatinb lol what timing eh
zzz always good to have EFF on speeddial
zzz re: RI fragmentation, been working several days on it now
zzz a) I coded halfway and it was getting messy
zzz b) would be disruptive and might be insecure, it's not the preferred option
zzz c) I coded all the way and debugged and tested it in test code, it's fairly clean
zzz d) is unworkable because ipv6
zzz so I'm recommending c)
zzz if people are favorable to c), I'll write it up in the proposal for review (without removing the text about option a), for now)