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RN would someone please give voice to DredfulParis? They would like to talk about prop 123 and 140
dr|z3d would that be the sysadmin from the dread forum, or the name's just a coincidence?
dr|z3d if so, swing by #saltr and make sure you're registered to nickserv :)
orignal he wanted to talk about load balance
dr|z3d it looks like he was hitting the floodfills way too hard with leasesets, getting throttled in the process, and introducing unreliability as a result. he's got a better handle on things now, but he's keen to get the massive multihoming proposal moving forward.
dr|z3d he's also interested in the rust implementation.
dr|z3d from a coding perspective as well as a user pov, apparently.
zzz yeah I saw the discussion on ilita
orignal that's what I mean
dr|z3d major.i2p should have logs of the discussion we had in #saltr.
orignal if he wants to implement meta LS let him do it
orignal but I really don't understand his problem
dr|z3d his problem stemmed from not appreciating that you can't just stack multihomes ad infinitum and expect things to scale exponentially.
orignal his problem is that he is trying to bring this devops's shit into I2P
dr|z3d not sure what you mean by that
orignal "scalability", "load balance" sound too familiar
dr|z3d he's coming from a tor background, that's half the problem :)
orignal devopses like to bring all of this for a shitty initrnet store
orignal with two orders a day
zzz it's the devops side that's the hard part, that's what we were trying to do with garlic farm
zzz the router part isn't that hard
orignal the question is
orignal what is his reral task?
zzz sure. no use guessing, we'll find out
orignal to implemented a system that will "have a million transcations per seconds"
orignal but currently one transaction a day?
orignal that's what I suspect
dr|z3d he runs dread.i2p which is a form, not a marketplace. and handling 2K+ simultaneous connectionsis what he wants to do relaiably, so he says.
dr|z3d *forum
dr|z3d gah, I've caught orignal's typing bug.
orignal 2K is nothing
orignal single instance can handle it easily
dr|z3d absolutely. he'll find that out soon enough :)
dr|z3d once he stops hammering the floodfills..
orignal do you have to switch keyboard layouts all the time? ))
dr|z3d that would be telling :)
orignal that's where my typing bugs come from
orignal I switch between ru and en too often
dr|z3d oh, my bad, I just thought you spent all day drinking vodka and typing badly :P
dr|z3d that's a joke, original :)
zzz I implemented retransmitting session confirmed immediately on receiving an apparently retransmitted session created, works well
orignal will do the same. good point
orignal same for session created?
orignal if you receive session request again send session created immediately
zzz not sure if I've seen that before, will look
orignal also implemented such resend