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zzz orignal, will non-ff i2pd respond to RI database lookup messages?
orignal good question
orignal I have to check
zzz yeah, remember the discussion of 'push' vs 'pull' of RI for connected peers, and we implemented push?
zzz I implemented pull also but didn't seem to work well
orignal it doesn't check if we are floodfill
orignal it replies as usual
zzz hmm
zzz thanks, will keep investigating
dr|z3d ok, here we go again with another part tunnel spike.
orignal I'm pretty sure it's retroshare through Bob
orignal another question
orignal do we allow floodfill be an instroducer in SSU2?
orignal because we don't in SSU1
zzz that's a policy/implementation question, not a protocol question, but for me, the issues are the same for SSU 1 and 2: trying to minimize floodfill connections
orignal my question is very practical
orignal should I send relay request block to FF?
orignal *relya tag request
dr|z3d zzz is saying "no" in a roundabout way, orignal. best to minimize non-floodfill traffic to floodfills. but it's your choice.
zzz if it is advertised as an introducer, then yes, it agreed, so why not?
orignal if I'm a floodfill should I accept or not?
zzz if you gave out a relay tag, you should honor it
zzz if you don't want to be an introducer, don't hand out tags
orignal when I receive relay tag request
orignal bascially I don't care
orignal just want to implement it identical way
zzz you don't have to do it the same. If you don't have a problem with floodfill connection limits, then hand out tags, the more the better
dr|z3d ok, spike time here we come again..
zzz data is filling in nicely on my fancy new chart: stats.i2p/cgi-bin/parttunnels-day.cgi
dr|z3d yeah, looking good there, zzz. load ramps the higher the bandwidth share, with everything from M up getting hit.
zzz this chart might be the clearest/cleanest picture stats.i2p/cgi-bin/leasesets-week.cgi
dr|z3d from that graph, the trend is ever upwards. doesn't look like there's any risk of it calming down in the immediate future.
zzz orignal, R4SAS, has anybody asked this guy to stop?
zzz never mind, I just did
dr|z3d oh, you know who it is?
orignal what guy?
dr|z3d if it's retroshare + BOB causing the issue, isn't there a newer retroshare that now uses SAM?
orignal we have fixed this issue even in i2pd
orignal newer retorshare uses SAM
orignal and SOCKS + inbound tunnel works even better