IRCaBot 2.1.0
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zzz ok I see that ruby2.7 is gone from ubuntu 22.04
zzz glad you said something, I was about to upgrade
zzz you said that it doesn't work with the new ruby... what's wrong, are you trying to fix it?
orignal let me tell you
orignal 1 sec
orignal I use ruby-1.8.7
orignal and rubygems-1.3.7
orignal built from source code
zzz ooh that's really old. I think I updated a few years ago, but I don't remember anything about it
orignal I found 1.8.7 mentioned in eldorado repo
zzz and can't find any notes
zzz from what I read, 2.7 is like halfway to 3.0, so they recommend getting apps working on 2.7 first
zzz I think I was on 1.9.1 before 2.7
orignal mayeb it was that time
orignal and it didn't work with 1.9
orignal I followed this instruction
zzz I'm using standard ruby2.7 on ubuntu 21.10
zzz I wish I cound find some notes about upgrading
zzz from last time I did it
orignal then we use different approach
orignal I stay with 1.8
orignal regadless the OS
zzz thanks
dr|z3d if they've removed ruby from 22.04, you can just pin your current version, zzz.
zzz I remember most of my troubles were with webrick and fcgi
dr|z3d that is, assuming you want to upgrade to 22.04
zzz how do you pin something?
dr|z3d you can do that in synaptic I think.
zzz thx. looks like the bottom part "holding packages" is needed, not "pinning"
dr|z3d in synaptic, package -> Lock version on a highlighted package.
orignal if it's there
dr|z3d could be holding not pinning, sure. been a while since I've played with that feature.
orignal otherwise you should install .deb manually
orignal I use gthumb from 10.04 for example ))
zzz trouble is that a lot of the gems are also from ubuntu packages. or maybe some are manually installed? idk
zzz guess I'll have to get it all running on a 22.04 box to prove it out first
zzz for another day, not a crisis
orignal you can just copy whole lib/ruby to new box
orignal that's how I do
dr|z3d there's also ruby snaps you can install, including 2.7 ->
zzz SSU2 i2pd problem I've seen a couple times... last day with bAU~... missing signature in Session Confirmed RI. The RI is 64 bytes short
zzz current bug? already fixed?
R4SAS zzz: if you see such problem with only one router this can mean only that it is outdated...
zzz not sure if it's only one. Saw it once before but didn't save the router hash
zzz even if only one, that doesn't mean it's not a current bug
zzz that's why I'm letting you know
orignal I remember it was old issue
orignal but I will check
orignal zzz, why max mtu for ipv4 for SSU1 is 1484 rather than 1500?
zzz it's a good question, I had the same one. I haven't gone back to research what jrandom was thinking
zzz maybe to leave room for ipv4 options? but they aren't really used.
zzz there's much more of a chance for ipv6 options, but we didn't support ipv6 back in jrandom times
orignal so do I always set 1484 for 1500 interface for SSU1?
zzz yes
orignal I'm working on MTU stuff
zzz super