IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
AmyMalik Mustafabo, good evening, your excellency
Mustafabo hi albat
albat hi Mustafabo :)
Mustafabo how are you?
albat fine, you?
Mustafabo pretty good thanks
Mustafabo itsjustme_
Mustafabo albat, I always want more parmesan but I'm embarrassed
AmyMalik I look like a goddamn knockoff of my sister :/
Mustafabo dr|z3d itsjustme_ albat AmyMalik
AmyMalik *** throws an army salute ***
AmyMalik How may i help you Mustafabo
Mustafabo AmyMalik, you can tell me how you are
AmyMalik Floridly self aware psychotic
itsjustme Hey Mustafabo!
Mustafabo itsjustme, I always want more parmesan, but I'm embarrassed
itsjustme More parmesan?
itsjustme Like on your lasagna?
Mustafabo itsjustme
itsjustme Hey Mustafabo
Mustafabo itsjustme: I have a beard
itsjustme I've heard
itsjustme But based on how much you say it I'm a bit skeptical :P
RN Methinks Mustafabo dost protest too much