IRCaBot 2.1.0
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dr|z3d zzz: what you're referring to as a multi-dest scraper is more accurately described as a vulnerability scanner. which reminds me, I need to get that url based i2ptunnel proposition written.
dr|z3d *i2ptunnel blacklist
dr|z3d I haven't see it using that many dests before, notwithstanding. that seems fairly new. before it was maybe 3 or 4 max.
zzz dr|z3d, the stormycloud.i2p footer has an absolute link to , accidentally clicked on it the other day...
zzz but oddly stormycloud.i2p/blog/ redirects back to stormycloud.i2p
dr|z3d both intentional.
dr|z3d the blog is hosted on clearnet.
dr|z3d 404's redirect to homepage.
zzz a little wonky
zzz was looking for the canary and law enforcement info he tweeted about the other day but couldn't find those either
dr|z3d stormycloud.i2p/blog isn't linked anywhere is it?
dr|z3d so the wonk is all in your mind :)
zzz why can't the blog be on .i2p also?
dr|z3d it could be, whether dustin wants it on .i2p is a different matter. not entirely sure where it's currently hosted, may not be on vm with i2p installed.
dr|z3d which is not to say it could just be pointed at from a tunnel. but out of my hands, that's up to mr sc.
dr|z3d *couldn't
zzz okey dokey
dr|z3d hidden on that page is are links to the letter and the reponse.
dr|z3d tldr: someone mailed a bomb threat to what appears to be a Hungarian address via a Tor exit.
dr|z3d I still am in the dark about what the big hoohah was about re dread.
dr|z3d I get that requests for basic support on reddit may have escalated, but other than that (which is in itself not necessarily a bad thing if the support is generalized) I'm still having a hard time what the issue is that's caused zlatinb to resign.
dr|z3d *understanding
eyedeekay the dread support requests got pretty out of control on Reddit, including people who were flooding our various forms of DM/PM inboxes with very specific and non-generalized questions
eyedeekay Did you ever watch A.K.A. Tommy Chong and see how that one PD just flooded his bong company with requests which would have violated the paraphernalia laws in their jurisdiction?
eyedeekay Like that level of specificity, the sort of thing you yell "NO" at and identify as specifically hostile and/or a clear trap
eyedeekay I think he interprets that as an attempt to endanger him and or us and he's kind of got a point
dr|z3d Never saw Tommy Chong, no. The direct message flooding sounds annoying, but not enough to walk away from the project.
eyedeekay I suppose that's just his decision
dr|z3d of course.
eyedeekay I got the flood too and TBH it was disturbing but I assume anyone who DM's me is a cop
eyedeekay At least, out of the blue like these guys di
dr|z3d for the most part I'll treat anything that's not legal or genuine as spam. no need to get excited.
eyedeekay I tend to agree about just messages, but when he's worried about the security of his Apple account as a result as well, maybe that changes things for him
dr|z3d but I can appreciate that things have probably got a bit skewed lately. notbob's been getting what I can only describe as moronic dms on dread.
eyedeekay Yeah a lot of them are really freaking dumb
dr|z3d I don't mind answering the occasional q on reddit or dread if it's, you know, specialist and requiring a bit of knowledge, but I'm not diving into the fray to help with "why can't I connect to x" type discussions. :)
eyedeekay It blows my mind that apparently they don't think of refreshing the page
dr|z3d meta refresh for the most part addresses that issue. it's tedious having to refresh a page for a site that may be temporarily offline, especially if you need to do it multiple times. browse to site. wait for favicon to appear on tab.
dr|z3d and while you're waiting, do something else. :)