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orignal did pigs come for stormycould?
orignal I saw his tweet that they did
dr|z3d nice turn of phrase, orignal. as always.
dr|z3d he got a request for info regarding one of his Tor exits, if that's what you mean.
orignal yes, I meant the same
orignal pigs came and asked for info
dr|z3d well, no, they didn't "come" as such. they just sent him an e-mail.
dr|z3d long away to travel from Hungary to Texas just to ask for info that doesn't exist :)
orignal don't run an exit node unless you are affilated with NSA ))
orignal if another jurisdiction just ignore them
dr|z3d no harm in being civil. "sorry, we run tor, nothing for you."
dr|z3d might save repeat requests from said entity. time saver.
Xeha statistically speaking, the more you interract (even saying such things), the higher the chances you get in trouble
orignal rule #1 "never talk to pigs"
orignal strange that dr|z3d doesn't know this rule
dr|z3d not sure where you're pulling those stats from, Xeha, but I think in this instance StormyCloud did the right thing. better to respond than have the Hungarian police contact the FBI who then decide to raid yor servers.
Xeha they "raid" your servers anytime they want, dosnt matter if you cooperate
Xeha you might get into troubles with the hoster, there communication pays off
dr|z3d in this instance, unlikely. running 100+ Tor exit nodes isn't something you do on the sly :)
orignal if you need to respond let a lawyer write a legal letter
orignal but don't do it yourself
dr|z3d there's some fairly well established procedures for dealing with requests for info from Tor exit operators. no need to involve a lawyer and the expense that entails.
Xeha even forms you can fill out that have been reviewed by greedy lawyers
orignal dr|z3d dpn't be so naive
orignal better to just ignore them
orignal if it comes from another jurisdiction
orignal and let lawyer respond if it comes from yours
dr|z3d I'll let StormyCloud know you're available for pro bono legal advice, orignal. don't be disappointed if he doesn't turn up :)
orignal it's his choice only
orignal I'm talking about the situation in general
orignal my point is if somebody wants to be in troubles and inists in it let him do it ))
orignal dr|z3d give me a favour
orignal I saw notbob visiting #ru askng about diffrence between Russian and Uknrainain cyrrilic
orignal he is gone now
orignal tell him that "ы" is in Russian, and "i" is in Ukrainan
orignal somebody mentioned "ъ". it's true but it's too rare
dr|z3d relayed, orignal
dr|z3d he's getting more interested in differentiation since I mentioned sites with ukraine in the hostname were probably not Russian :)
orignal yes, few of them
dr|z3d if there are any that are wrongly classified that you come across on his site, let me know and I'll forward the info.
orignal ы and i are very popular letter you see it them in almist every sentence
orignal let me see
orignal this one
dr|z3d what's the punycode name for that, do you know?
orignal citrus.i2p is also ukrainia
orignal and it's not recrecational drugs as marked
orignal it's electronics store
dr|z3d ok, great, thanks, will relay that to notbob.
dr|z3d electronics, recreational drugs, what's the difference? :)
orignal ofc nothing ))
dr|z3d zzz: re Java 19, no issues to report. Looks fine here. Been running on various systems for several weeks without issue.