IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d ok, new feature coming down the pipes in I2P+
dr|z3d in the netdb router list, you can now lookup an ip address via gwhois.
parabo dr|z3d
dr|z3d parabo: go to bed!
parabo it's not even 3am
dr|z3d way past your bedtime.
parabo I'm smoking my bedtime joint
dr|z3d since you're up, you might as well grab the latest I2P+ dev build.
parabo bedtime joint
dr|z3d bedtime I2P+ update.
parabo any backend upgrades?
parabo are they sexy?
dr|z3d some udp enhancements, bigger packets, that sort of thing. should be faster in some situations. let me know how you find it.
dr|z3d there's also upstream ip restriction now happening on tunnels.
dr|z3d no 2 peers from the same /8 in local tunnels.
parabo madness
dr|z3d > /16 upstream, /8 in I2P+
parabo madnes
dr|z3d I figure why not.. zzz tested /8, I thought I'd follow through and make it default.
parabo my ear hurt
dr|z3d probably because you talk to yourself too much.
parabo I got it pierced... for free... by a bird
dr|z3d ah. did he fit the earring as well?
parabo i have like 50+ wounds from my new birds
dr|z3d congrats
parabo where is the new dev build you asshole?
dr|z3d also, router list now has lookup links for ips.
dr|z3d check /configupdate
dr|z3d at the bottom, you haz links.
parabo my router isn't accessible :/
dr|z3d can't get much easier than that. select, copy, paste. save. ensure unsigned updates enabled.
dr|z3d linked on the homepage.
dr|z3d router should listen on lan ip. then you can access it from your phone.
parabo I think i2p+ updated to mainline because I was too lazy to configure it
parabo also i got the router consore
parabo yeah this ain't +
parabo Pajamas
parabo suck a dick
parabo it's good for you
parabo hahaha
parabo i just grabbed the dev update from github dr|z3d
dr|z3d skank.i2p/ if you want to torrent the release update and then take it from there.
dr|z3d you can do that, but if you wait a couple of minutes there will be a newer build with updated snark.
dr|z3d but whatever suits.
dr|z3d just make sure you /configupdate post-install, set updates to notify and configure the /dev url
parabol S.U.C.C.E.S.S. that's the way you spell success
parabol wait, is it though? dr|z3d you know english
dr|z3d SUCK CESS.
dr|z3d you may wish to load up ubergine snark with a bunch of torrents to see the new visuals.
dr|z3d then again, maybe you don't care :)
parabol what?
parabol just as long as I can make it purple
dr|z3d it's already purple, doofus.
parabol like if I actually cared about looks I would want all purple
dr|z3d if you're at a loss for content to download, try these torrents: tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?view=TPoolDetail&id=1256
dr|z3d well, you got purple override. what more do you wnat?
parabol the font should be purple too
parabol and the images and icons
dr|z3d and if you can't be bothered with that, then ubergine is purple durple.
parabol i don't know what durple is
dr|z3d it's purple spelt with a d.
parabol that's nucking futz
parabol dr|z3d, 911 was aliens
dr|z3d yeah, islamic aliens.
parabol they had directed energy weapons powered by a free energy device
parabol those men are not islam
parabol they aren't proper muslims
parabol they are crazy people
dr|z3d taliban, same.
dr|z3d monsters masquerading as men.
parabol better than america having control
dr|z3d not for 95% of the population.
dr|z3d you know, the 95% that are currently starving.
parabol my revolutionary days are over
dr|z3d pipe and slippers now?
parabol I guess so
Reinhilde parabol: what do you think of anarchism
Reinhilde all antifascists should learn martial arts
parabol Reinhilde, I think anarchism is nice in theory but I don't think it will look after the poor properly, or old, or disabled
Reinhilde I think it's smart to build support structures that do not need the state, whether you plan to destroy the state or maintain it
Reinhilde most anarchists are young able-bodied people in some amount of poverty
parabol itsjustme
itsjustme Hey parabol
parabol what's up itsjustme ?
itsjustme Not to much, just going for a walk
dr|z3d how's purple, parabol?