IRCaBot 2.1.0
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RN_ *** twerks at parabo ***
parabo dr|z3d
parabo wake up fucker
parabo it's time to go to sleep
parabo Pajamas, wut up?
parabo RN RN_
parabo albat
parabo Ellenor
Ellenor parabo: whoot root
parabo Ellenor, I heard you like Dick's
Ellenor that's not halal
parabo haram is more fun than halal\
Ellenor it is
Ellenor but it's against your religion
parabo that's true
parabo Ellenor, say this: lā ʾilāha ʾillallāh, Muḥammad rasūlu-llāh
Ellenor no thanks
parabo but then you will be muslim
Ellenor i don't know fully what it means but I believe it is the convert's creed
Ellenor Prefer no
Ellenor I try to keep people on their chosen spiritual path when I can help them, but I personally am a full secular atheist and always will be
Ellenor when someone has freely chosen a religion i endeavor to full-throatedly support them in that
Pajamas allah akbar
Ellenor that means i will warn them off non-kosher (or non-halal as appropriate) foods
Pajamas *** eats bacon ***
parabo hi Pajamas
Ellenor such as meat pizza for vegetarians, Halal and Kosher adherents
Pajamas do you get it? when i said im eating bacon
Pajamas because pig is of an unclean animal god says not to eat
Pajamas yea im being fucked up right now
Ellenor halal meat pizza excepted for halal adherents
Ellenor (be they muslim or with muslim family)
Pajamas shrimp is also considered unclean
Pajamas and funny coincidence shrimp are the roaches of the sea
parabo Pajamas, revert to islam
Pajamas i follow jesus
Ellenor I do not support evangelism, convert grabbing
Pajamas i can be islamic and still follow jesus?
Pajamas interesting
parabo Mary is like the ruler of jannah(heaven)
parabo but the bible was corrupted by the romans, and translated too many times
Pajamas whats islams opinion of the new testament ?
parabo that it became changed too much after about 200 years
parabo which is why god sent muhammad
Pajamas i mean old testament*
Pajamas what do they think of the old testament* ?
Pajamas i dunno, i just want to remain christian
parabo muslims can't drink alcohol
Pajamas does islam believe we come back to earth again ?
parabo but we can smoke weed
parabo we go to Jannah, which translates to paradise or garden
parabo I don't want to go to Jannah
parabo I want to stop existing when I die
Pajamas i think the jews believe that actually
Pajamas by what i was told by some jews
Pajamas howcome
parabo my ear is leaking
parabo my new pearly conures keep biting it
parabo it doesn't bleed anymore just leaks plasma
parabo they do
parabo because Alexander the Great spread Hellenism in 300BC
parabo Hellenism he spread far and wide, the macedonian learned mind, their culture was a western way of life. he paved the way for Christianity
Pajamas parabo: do you hate christians
Pajamas remember what i think ghandi said, "i like your christ, but i do not like your followers, who are unlike your christ"
Pajamas if you ever had bad experiences with christians, remember there not in alignment with christ
Pajamas christ first loves people, and try to turn them to god, and regardless if people accepted god or not, christ still loved them
Pajamas and considering christians are supposed to take the cross and follow jesus, they have to love others regardless of others differences
parabo Pajamas, no it's not my place to judge
parabo derka derka muhammad jihad
parabo lol i'm watching team america world police
parabo jews, muslims, christians... what the fucks the difference? we all want money drugs and bitches, anybody who doesn't rubs me suspicious. I don't trust police or the justice system
parabo Pajamas, there are no white people in the bible
parabo take as long as you need to think about that
Ellenor i busted my car's right rear tyre hooning in a parkade. i need a new set of all seasons and a new rim
parabo you should change your tires every 150 miles
parabo you use racing slicks too right?
Ellenor no parabo
Ellenor i use road all seasons and studded winters
Pajamas it hurts when a girl blocks you and you discover she found a guy whos rich
Pajamas what i hate most is when a girl complains of suffering, and you help her, and if she sees you suffering she couldnt care less
Pajamas oh im emotionally unstable she cant like me, but i try to help her