IRCaBot 2.1.0
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itsjustme I'm alright overall :)
Anomaly thats good
itsjustme yeah :)
itsjustme what are you upto?
Anomaly im learning how to use the clock on my fpga board
Anomaly i already made a blinking led
Anomaly i also learned how to control my 7 seg display
Anomaly and how to use the switches and push buttons on it
Anomaly and then after i get a vga monitor, im going to learn how to make a vga controller on my fpga board to control the vga monitor and produce output on it
itsjustme ah nice :D
itsjustme you liking it?
Anomaly yea im liking it alot
Anomaly and then after i get more experience working with my fpga board, im going to try to design a cpu and run my cpu on it
Anomaly and because you make an instruction set architecutre with the cpu im giong to try to write an operating system on it, or write a higher level language for it to make programming the os easier
Anomaly that and ive also been playing cod zombies
itsjustme didn't like that :P
Anomaly what happened
dr|z3d watching you, itsjustme...
Anomaly dr|z3d: whats going on
Anomaly what did itsjustme do wrong?
itsjustme dr|z3d: LOL sorry
itsjustme I just wanted to see if it would
deeznuts4pres it anomoly
itsjustme how are you dr|z3d?
dr|z3d ok, thanks, you?
itsjustme I'm doing alright :)
Professor_Chaos dr|z3d: you ever seen south park ?
dr|z3d an espisode or 3.
dr|z3d *episode
Professor_Chaos yea butters played as a super villian and his name was professor chaos
Professor_Chaos in an episode
Professor_Chaos so basically my nick is just a reference to south park
RN ave Professor_Chaos !
RN Where is General Dissaray?
dr|z3d he just struck.
RN no it is a general insult based on context in the show
RN you're not very up on the details of your show there Professor_Chaos
RN *** sings the song that took Butters (aka Professor_Chaos) viral. ♫ ♪ "What what, in the butt?" ♪ ♫ ***
Professor_Chaos yea like i said its been a long time since ive seen that show
Professor_Chaos oh yea i remember that song
Professor_Chaos lol taco flavored kisses
Professor_Chaos or when they made a boy band
RN the apropriate response when someone calls you a towel is; (No) you're a towwel.
RN hahahahha
RN well if it has been a long time since you watched sp
RN then you have missed a lot
RN they did not stop making them
Professor_Chaos yea ive seens some of there newer stuff on youtube
Professor_Chaos like the episodes
Professor_Chaos i can tell there new because the quality of the animations are way better
RN oh yeah
Professor_Chaos well just scenes from episodes
Professor_Chaos not the whole episode
RN much better production now compared to back then
Professor_Chaos yea for sure
RN back then being when they first came out
Professor_Chaos i think that applies to alot of shows
Professor_Chaos lol imagine cutting out paper and shit
Professor_Chaos its arts and crafts
RN it does make it accessible to people without a lot of equipment
Professor_Chaos yea for sure
RN I am glad that they have mostly kept the style of it the same, with a few special exceptions
RN they also don't over-use special effects (unless they do so on purpose)
Professor_Chaos you remember hello kitty island adventure ?
Professor_Chaos like when cartman has to take a shit his mom comes into the basement with that pot
Professor_Chaos that was fucked up
Professor_Chaos or they had to use that lotion on their hands from some kind of friction or something
RN yeah. Polly Prissy Pants. LOL
RN *** sings like Hennifer Lopezzz ♫ ♪ "tacos taco ♪ ♫ ***
RN *** sings like Hennifer Lopezzz ♫ ♪ "two tacos and a soda pop ♪ ♫ ***
RN *** sings like Hennifer Lopezzz ♫ ♪ "tacos taco ♪ ♫ ***
RN s/tacos taco/taco taco/
RN s/tacos taco/taco taco/ -G
Professor_Chaos im trying to learn how to use the clock process in vhdl
RN fun stuff
Professor_Chaos yea its fun
Professor_Chaos the fun is in the challenge
Professor_Chaos like its not fun if its not hard
RN right
RN my current challenge is trying to figure out this bricked hp box I have here
Professor_Chaos what happened to it
RN but is stuck there
RN I can choose the fuctions on screen from the f-keys and it shows text saying "loading [whatever i chose]" but just sits there
RN seems I erased a hidden partition on the drive that held part of the bios
RN why the fuck would they do that. bios by definition are supposed to live on the motherboard
Professor_Chaos yea that sounds really weird
Professor_Chaos if the bios is on a partition
itsjustme hey Professor_Chaos :)
Professor_Chaos because i think usually its in a rom on the motherboard
Professor_Chaos or atleast i assume its a rom, somekind of storage chip on the mobo
Professor_Chaos which ofcourse we both already know that
itsjustme yeah should be a rom
itsjustme on the motherboard
itsjustme welcome back RN
RN Thanks IJM.
RN the gods of the bits don't seem to be smiling on me today
itsjustme are you on i2p+?
RN no. not yet. Was making a new box to give me room to do things like try i2p+ among other things I've since forgotten
RN but I think I screwed the pooch and bricked that tower
RN did you see the stuff I was saying before I got disconnected?
RN dr saw it all
RN good I don't have to repeat myself
RN I haven't got any kind of confirmation that what I suspect the problem is, but I have tried all kinds of keyboard startbtn combos and removed the cmos left it unplugged a whole $DAYPART
RN only thing i didn't try is reseating the ram, but why? only swapped out cdrom and then did the format-install
RN also, didn't look at motherboard to see if it is old enough to have a reset-jumper
T3s|4 RN: was the hidden partition you think you may have deleted the tiny Win hidden partition, as in: 16.0 MiB 0C01 Microsoft reserved ...?
RN it is an HP so it is their proprietary shit
RN the drive has been reformatted to utf (I think) and freebsd installed on it
RN so it wiped out all the partitions
T3s|4 ah - I run an HP laptop, so I know that game. Shouldn't be too hard to find the correct BIOS for your rig on HP
RN I think there may have been three
RN there is nothing to find online until I can get it to boot something
RN I don't have a copy of the hd prior to reformatting it
RN but it is otherwise stuck at the blue hp welcome screen
RN I cant boot anything hd/cdrom/usb/network
T3s|4 why can't you find and snag the BIOS from a second rig/fone?
RN sure, I can go get the bios, but what do i do with that if the pc won't boot?
RN gotta find my magnifying glasses, my eyes arent what they used to be
glorfnoot is my timezone somehow visable on here?