IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
parabo Hey dr|z3d
parrot hey Hey Hey!!!
Anomaly hello
dr|z3d hi parrot, Anomaly
parrot How are you guys?
parrot Anomaly?
parrot Oh wait that's a name
parrot my bad
parrot How are you dr|z3d?
parrot Also dr|z3d, here is an idea for you. You know on the peers tab you can filter like the skew and the In/Out things? Well how about making a thing where you can filter the direction of the peers like with the inbound/outbound with the up/down little arrows
parrot Like make it so that you can click the arrow to list inbound direction then outbound direction then router helpers
dr|z3d not bad, thanks, parrot. yeah, sort by peers is work.
Anomaly parrot im pajamas
parrot and hey Pajamas!!!
parrot Long time no talk
dr|z3d I'll have a look, but don't hold your breath.
dr|z3d are you on the latest dev build, parrot?
dr|z3d great. lots of work lately, not least on the the themes.