IRCaBot 2.1.0
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T3s|4 dr|z3d: mesh can probably figure it out, but ^that path should be: i2p/docs/themes/console/dark/override.css
dr|z3d T3s|4: oh, if I got it wrong, my bad. anyways, that patch is now globalized in the latest build, so if he grabs that he doesn't need the override file.
mesh dr|z3d: do I need to restart the router?
dr|z3d for the override.css? no.
mesh dr|z3d: works beautifully
dr|z3d fantastic, mesh. you can thank eyedeekay.
mesh I copied your css into $I2P_INSTALL_DIR/docs/themes/console/midnight/override.css
mesh and now I get the normal midnight theme which is very easy on my eyes
dr|z3d perfect
dr|z3d that will be automatic for all themes with the latest dev build. and for i2psnark.
dr|z3d the next being the one you haven't installed yet :)
mesh I am running 1.7.0-13+
mesh is there really a later version? this was installed 4 days ago
dr|z3d yeah, don't pay too much attention to the actual version. if you have notify only on and the dev path configured on /configupdate you'll know when a new version is available when you hit check for updates.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: very minor stuff, it was just that console and themes were transposed
dr|z3d my bad, T3s|4, thanks for pointing it out :)
mesh I go to /configupdates and I don't msee any information about a new update
dr|z3d mesh: alternatively, you can keep an eye on
dr|z3d mesh: did you enable the dev update path and activate unsigned updates?
dr|z3d you should be aware that vanilla i2p doesn't have an override.css mechanism, mesh. just so you know :)
mesh I clicked on "Update with unsighned development builds" and then clicked on "Chceck for updates" and I still am seeing "No Update Available" flash on my screen and then disappear to be replaced with the menu
dr|z3d ok, make sure firstly that the update checkbox is ticked. then save.
mesh though I am still not a fan of this idea of automatic updates. I would rather my I2P_INSTALL_DIR be read-only
dr|z3d then make sure the url for unsigned updates is as indicated in the help box. namely skank.i2p/dev/
mesh dr|z3d: is this the right update url, skank.i2p/
dr|z3d it tells you exactly the url at the bottom of the page, mesh..
dr|z3d either release or dev builds...
dr|z3d and if you have the updates set to NOTIFY ONLY, then you will never get a forced update.
mesh I checked the box "Update with unsigned development builds". The update url is skank.i2p. I hit 'Save'. I then click the "Check for updates" button.
mesh It tells me after a while "No updates Available" and then this text disappears and is replaced by the top menu
dr|z3d > then make sure the url for unsigned updates is as indicated in the help box. namely skank.i2p/dev/
mesh oh you have a 'dev' in the url
dr|z3d that's for release builds.
dr|z3d aka major version, not -X builds.
mesh I mean that's the default. I didn't type that.
dr|z3d right
dr|z3d I've told you about 5 times in this conversation to check the update url. :)
mesh alright I change the update url to /dev/, save and still get No update available
mesh skank.i2p/dev/ is def the url I'm using
T3s|4 did you Save the change?
mesh I would recommend btw that the ui provide some feedback so we could see what it's actually doing. I guess this is trying to download and checking the etag or something like that?
dr|z3d try browsing to skank.i2p to check that you can connect to skank. then try the check for update.
dr|z3d it checks the last modified header.
mesh I see skank.i2p on my local router/browser
dr|z3d and compares with router.updateLastDownloaded timestamp.
mesh but when I go to skank.i2p/dev/ I get a 404
dr|z3d there is no file index there, you need to specify the exact path otherwise, yes, 404.
mesh ok that works and does start a download
dr|z3d *thumbs up*
mesh I dunno. It's still not working. I check the box "Update with unsigned development builds". The "Update URL" is skank.i2p/dev/ I hit save. Then I click "Check for updates"
dr|z3d so when you visit that page fresh the Update with unsigned box is ticked?
mesh when I navigate away and navigate back yes the unsigned development builds option is checked
mesh Now it's telling me "Update or check already in progress"
mesh possibly it's doing something
dr|z3d ie it's not sufficient to tick it without saving, as T3s|4 was hinting at.
mesh I've ticked the box and saved it many times
dr|z3d ok, give it time, it should let you know in the sidebar if it finds an update.
mesh if I navigate away and navigate back it shows up as ticked
dr|z3d you may need to navigate away from the update page to see the sidebar notification, it's not 100% reliable at updating itself.
mesh really not seeing it. Maybe because my update policy is 'Notify only"
mesh Is it possible that I'm already running the latest update?
T3s|4_ mesh: I use Notify only - and updating works correctly when a new build is available
mesh the version of the router I installed
dr|z3d no, notify only is eaxctly what it says on the tin. notify. will indicate in the sidebar if a new version is available. and if you didn't update a couple of hours ago, no, you're not on the latest version.
mesh from where it says "Development Installer" "All Platforms ("
mesh is I assume the very latest version of master
dr|z3d how long ago was that?
mesh probably ~72 hours ago
dr|z3d so not the latest version then. try another check for updates. it'll appear.
T3s|4_ the latest is Revision: 563f8d2f - listed in router info
mesh well I am running 3eba10f0 (Build date: 2022-04-05 21:52:00 UTC) ... and check for updates steadfastly tells me no update is available
T3s|4_ a ctrl-shift-r on - never hurts, then check for updates
mesh it could be the way I (didn't) install i2p I don't know
dr|z3d could be that.
dr|z3d though ordinarily it should know there's a new version available.
mesh it's not...
mesh is it because I separate I2P_INSTALL_DIR from I2P's data dirs?
dr|z3d app dir and data dir are by design and default separate.
dr|z3d %appdata%\i2p or thereabouts is where your data dir should reside.
dr|z3d in any event, when you update, you don't need the full installer. you can either grab the update from skank, or from gitlab via
dr|z3d dropping that update file into appdir and restarting will update you.
dr|z3d if the update is successful, assuming you're running with the wrapper, you'll see an indicate post-update in wrapper /logs that you updated.
mesh I probably won't update. my Install directory is actually read-only. but if you want me to download a new version I can do that.
mesh export JAVA_HOME=~/data/applications/java/jdk-8/
mesh export I2P_INSTALL_DIR=~/data/applications/i2p/1.7.0/i2p/
mesh export I2P_WORKSPACE_DIR=~/data/workspaces/i2p
mesh export I2P_CONFIG_DIR=$I2P_WORKSPACE_DIR/data/config
mesh export I2P_TEMP_DIR=$I2P_WORKSPACE_DIR/data/tmp/
mesh $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -Di2p.dir.base=$I2P_INSTALL_DIR -Di2p.dir.tmp=data/tmp -Di2p.dir.config=data/config -Djava.library.path="$I2P_INSTALL_DIR/lib" -cp "$I2P_INSTALL_DIR/lib/*" -XX:+UseZGC -XX:SoftMaxHeapSize=4G -XX:+UseNUMA -XX:+UseStringDeduplication net.i2p.router.Router
mesh that's the script I use to launch the router
mesh I2P_INSTALL_DIR, like everything under ~/data/applications, is unmodifiable
mesh that's what I mean when I say if the update dir is trying to write to the install dir it will fail
mesh oops that version is old but you get the idea
mesh as a general rule, outside of official ubuntu packages, I don't really allow applications to update themselves for security purposes
dr|z3d you can also drop an update file into your data dir, which is where it will end up if you update via the router's update mechanism. either location works.
dr|z3d but obviously if your app dir is read only, you won't be updating.
dr|z3d and like I said before, notify only mode will not attempt to install an update, it requires manual intervention.
dr|z3d oh, btw, if you like easy on the eyes themes, you might also want to try the charcoal theme override.css with the light theme.
dr|z3d you'd need to copy your override.css mods to the bottom of light/override.charcoal.css and rename that file to override.css to activate. there's a few demo files in the various theme dirs.. the charcoal theme for light is the most elaborate.
mesh dr|z3d: you're saying in the router switch to 'light' theme and then rename light/override.charcoal.css to simply override.css
dr|z3d yup, and then paste your existing override.css contents to the bottom of that file.
dr|z3d it'll give you an idea of how far you can go with your own mods to existing themes via override.css
dr|z3d if the file's in the theme dir, it'll load, otherwise, instant restoration of pre-existing theme, no hard-refresh required.
dr|z3d there's also an oceanblue override file for the dark theme, which gives you a similar color scheme to midnight.
mesh thanks I'll check it out. though the midnight theme is really nice . I find dark blues very easy to work with
dr|z3d that's good, you and T3s|4 both approve of midnight :)
mesh what's interesting is that blue is the opposite of yellow and yellows are very painful for me
T3s|4 lols
mesh I've managed to configure windows so that everything is basically blue, green, black and purple
dr|z3d for that "I've got bruises but I'm still alive" look.
mesh One thing I'll mention in my blog eventually is the router ui
mesh and how to use it
dr|z3d good plan
mesh though I
T3s|4_ dr|z3d: been awhile since I had a look at charcoal, but indeed, easy on the eyes
dr|z3d yeah, you and me both, T3s|4, probably needs some updates given how much light theme has changed.
T3s|4_ mesh: up to you on how you run your system, but you are missing out on yet another update ;p
mesh it's easy for me to upgrade
mesh and it's even easier for me to downgrade too since I keep old versions of the app around
mesh at least for me, working on a server, I would rather automate the download process
mesh and then upgrading just involves changing a symlink or environment variable
dr|z3d ok, new minor feature, tooltip for active tunnel status in tunnel manager now indicate hops / tunnel count.
T3s|4 snagging it
dr|z3d maybe I'll find a place for those details and more in the expanded view, but I wanted to get the basic info there without stressing over the layout for now.
T3s|4 good stuff on the improved TM tool tip dr|z3d
dr|z3d thanks, T3s|4.. minor thing
mesh I dunno what's going on with postman
mesh but it's good to see I'm not the only one who is having trouble connecting to the site
mesh everything was fine until probably Tuesday April 5
mesh The past few days (and around the time this ssu2 testing was mentioned), tracker2 has been remarkably unreachable (like pre-1.6.1). Zzz.i2p has been more unreachable than normal too (but not as bad as during 1.6.1).
mesh other people are havint trouble connecting to tracker2. meanwhile every other i2p site works pretty weel
mesh well
wellicht and another coffee
dr|z3d pretty nifty: ahmia.i2p