IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
itsjustme dr|z3d: loves i2pd. Expecually for new users amirite?
Irc2PGuest74065 I thought dr was focused on i2p+
itsjustme He is. It was a joke about a guy back in the day
itsjustme How are you Irc2PGuest74065?
Irc2PGuest74065 doing ok. recovering from dental surgury
itsjustme Oh? What did you have done?
Irc2PGuest74065 repair of a failed root canal
Irc2PGuest74065 had bad infection
itsjustme Oh, well at least you got it fixed
Irc2PGuest74065 yeah. unfortuantely no dental coverage so expensive. but se la vi
itsjustme I thought Canada was free
itsjustme Or just health care?
RN I may or may not be in canada, but I did have to borrow money from friend to get this issue taken care of quick.
itsjustme Oh well at least you have friends who have your back :)
genka dr|z3d: tried with i2p+ - same problem
genka ahh no
dr|z3d is the site up?
genka seems fine
dr|z3d same problem or it's working?
genka working
dr|z3d the magic of i2p+ :)
dr|z3d looks fine here.
genka it was problem with browser
genka or no
genka if im using i2p+ as client to connect to site on i2pd it works fine
genka seems like i2pd cutting something on client tunnel
Anomaly hi itsjustme
GalaxyNova is legwork down for anyone else?
Anomaly GalaxyNova: hi
T3s|4 GalaxyNova: it's unreachable here also
itsjustme Hey Anomaly
GalaxyNova T3s|4: that's unfortunate :/
GalaxyNova it's been down for a while
GalaxyNova it's a really great browser
mesh man the digital ocean website is so fucking bad
RN bad in what ways?
mesh RN: it's impossible to find a simple table showing all the various options
RN ah.
dr|z3d mesh: have a look at webhosting.i2p
dr|z3d there might be a plan there for you.
dr|z3d in the not too distant future they may be offering 10Gb/s connectivity with some of their packages.
Anomaly T3s|4: howve you been
T3s|4 Anomaly: quite busy, but all remains well...any you?
T3s|4 any/*and
Anomaly im good thank you for asking
Anomaly dont let me distract u
Anomaly im good thank you for asking
Anomaly dont let me distract u
mesh dr|z3d: I think I found the trusted router stuff
dr|z3d I gave you the grep string, what took you so long?