IRCaBot 2.1.0
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margit dr|z3d: I'm kind of contaminating, is privoxy the way to go for general traffic from the lan, this way the dumb clients will just stay that way?
dr|z3d privoxy or tinyproxy would work, sure.
margit s/contaminating/contemplating
margit effin auto-correct
margit dr|z3d: the way I look at it, let the lan traffic be directed by .tor or .i2p so there is no plugins,
mesh nothing like a fresh windows crash
dr|z3d margit: sure, works for a more globally accessible solution, though you'll need to reconfigure torbrowser.
term99 nothing like windows...
margit or doors
term99 <3 *nix
margit dr|z3d: tricky stuff
dr|z3d margit: shouldn't be, just an about:config or user.config tweak I suspect.
margit I'm used to port 80 redirect, but this would be more complex
margit basically traffic, on 80/443 based on por
margit and .$DOMAIN
margit tor and i2p
dr|z3d you just point torbrowser or whatever else at privoxy or tinyproxy, and handle the traffic there via upstream proxies.
margit dr|z3d: the puzzle is , would closed source apple/google OS devices work?
dr|z3d as long as you can configure them to use an http proxy, sure.
dr|z3d that is, assuming you mean would those devices work as proxy clients.
margit hmm, so no auto redirect based on port
margit or header
margit both in this case
dr|z3d I don't know if that's in scope for privoxy. you'd have to research.
margit I mean the concept is traffic on port 80/443 and the hostname header is *.tor or *.i2p
dr|z3d bla.i2p -> use http 4444; bla.onion -> user socks 9050.
dr|z3d if none of the above, go direct, or use one or the other, or something else.
dr|z3d you're not matching the header, you're matching the url tld.
margit neat, let me try that
margit thanks dr|z3d
dr|z3d no worries.. let us know how you get on.
dr|z3d I'd recommend tinyproxy over privoxy, btw. lighter, less complexity in configuring, and faster.
margit dr|z3d: would be sweet to have it on "router/gateway" level so there is no need for plugins etc
dr|z3d if you've got a router capable of running apps, like openwrt, then you can do that without too much fuss.
margit f5 irule