IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
itsjustme Hey parabo!
itsjustme How are you?
parabo good, you itsjustme ?
itsjustme I'm doing alright. Tired but alright
parabo Putin has cancer
HidUser0 Hi, does Putin know about this?
itsjustme One can hope not
parabo He has a mass in his abdomen, which was confirmed malignant, he will be undergoing surgery and may be stepping down
HidUser0 parabo: what's your source?
parabo RT, russian state media
parabo I had heard rumors just before he invaded Ukraine that he had an undiagnosed mass in his abdomen which was being analyzed
parabo but now russian state media is saying he has cancer
HidUser0 I checked this information, it was refuted
parabo I see, well, I can't say I know him personally so I can't really testify to it
dr|z3d cancer, parkinsons.. lots of theories knocking about.
dr|z3d his fat, puffed up face was as a result of chemo some allege.
HidUser0 Interesting theory
dr|z3d plenty of speculation on google news.. it's vaguely credible.
HidUser0 What does Google news say about the war in Ukraine?
dr|z3d see that mouse and keyboard in front of you...?
HidUser0 I would like to know about what the American media is saying, but I can't, because I don't speak English well
dr|z3d all sorts of shizz 'n crud springing up in i2p-land lately.
HidUser0 Interesting, thanks
dr|z3d bellingcat's also worth a looksee, addresshelper on notbob.i2p or scanner.linuxfarm.i2p
HidUser0 >Personal data of 120,000 Russian servicemen fighting in Ukraine
HidUser0 I heard about this news. In the file with personal data, there was a metadata left over from the random personality generator
MelanieMalik parabo: life's weird when you're a girl with a beard
HidUser0 Not sure, dr|z3d
dr|z3d yeah, it's that one, HidUser0.
parabo Hi MelanieMalik
parabo all the bearded ladies raise your hands
MelanieMalik nah, i think it's only me out here
parabo hey itsjustme
itsjustme Hey parabo!
parabo What you doing?
itsjustme Getting some tea. You?
parabo watching Seinfeld
itsjustme Oh that's a good show
parabo dr|z3d, what up?
dr|z3d usual, parabo. you good?
parabo oh yeah
parabo dr|z3d, do you like Seinfeld?
dr|z3d not a huge fan, parabo
parabo Why not?
dr|z3d anything with canned laughter gets a fail from me.
parabo dr|z3d, wyd
GalaxyNova hi parabo
parabo hi GalaxyNova
parabo what up?
GalaxyNova I'm mining monero :D
GalaxyNova it's pretty cool, i can reach up to around ~8000 H/s
GalaxyNova although it's usually lower than that because I'm on FreeBSD and I can't use 1gb pages
parabo how is FreeBSD
parabo Everyone always loves FreeBSD when they run it... can never get an answer as for why
GalaxyNova parabo: it really feels like a much cleaner OS. if that makes sense...
GalaxyNova for example system config files are kept in /etc and config files from packages are always confined to /usr/local/etc, so you're base configs never get cluttered
GalaxyNova you can also compile software from source using the ports and select what features you want like on gentoo
GalaxyNova and everything in the base system works together and is in there for a reason. You'll never find useless things in base, and if you want to it's very easy to remove programs/features you don't want by editing /etc/src.conf and running a single command
GalaxyNova and the documentation in A tier with lots of offline documentation available.
GalaxyNova and that's without mentioning special features like jails,zfs,hardening options
GalaxyNova i could go on for hours
GalaxyNova monero's really nice
GalaxyNova really wish it had more adoption
parabo itsjustme, hi
parabo dr|z3d
dr|z3d sup p
parabo nm dr|z3d
dr|z3d shizzle dizzle, you know.
parabo i want a cheese burger
dr|z3d go get!
parabo I'm cleaning my air fryer
parabo air fryer needs to soak in hot water/soap first
parabo I got some great frozen prime rib patties
parabo you like burgers dr|z3d ?