IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
parabo itsjustme, hanging in
parabo itsjustme, did you do anything with your mom today?
itsjustme Not really, you?
parabo watched a movie
parabo Kung Fu movie
dr|z3d The Crypto King.. good documentary on netflix, parabo.
dr|z3d "Trust No One: The Hunt For The Crypto King"
parabo Have you watched Shiny Flakes?
dr|z3d Canadian focused.
parabo It's not very good
dr|z3d Shiny Flakes. no.
dr|z3d I'll be sure to avoid it then.
parabo It's a documentary about some dumb kid selling drugs on the internet
parabo didn't even use anonymity tools
parabo went to jail
dr|z3d I think I might have given that one about 2 minutes of my time.
parabo dr|z3d, how are you?
dr|z3d not bad, thanks. you good?
parabo Oh yeah
parabo spending mothers day with my mother
parabo She went out for a smoke
dr|z3d day release?
dr|z3d apparently Wonderland crypto is the latest scandal.
dr|z3d hard to keep up.
albat hey dr|z3d :)
dr|z3d salutations albat!
albat salut :)
albat i'm at washington dc
dr|z3d I heard. be sure to let Washington DC know about I2P+ :)
albat lol hard job
albat i pilot mon home computer from here
albat so no darknet for my sister's isp
parabo dr|z3d
parabo albat, how is your evening?
albat fine :)
albat we got a visit
mesh dr|z3d: today i2p sites are much faster
parabo a visit?
mesh Blinded message
mesh dr|z3d: it's strange n'est pas
mesh yesterday at around these times the sites were extremely slow
dr|z3d ebbs and flows, mesh
mesh it shouldn't really happen
parabo itsjustme
dr|z3d parabo: bedtime!
parabo dr|z3d, no!
parabo dr|z3d, what are you up to?
dr|z3d fixing up shizz. you know.
dr|z3d you get yourself on a dev build yet, parabo?
dr|z3d good boy *pat pat*
dr|z3d you can now enjoy the snark improvements and other shizznitz.
itsjustme Hey parabo and dr|z3d :)
mesh dr|z3d: do you have a changelog?
parabo itsjustme, what you up to?
dr|z3d mesh, I do, but it's usually updated just before release for the current dev cycle.
parabo fuck you dr|z3d
parabo and the horse you rode in on
dr|z3d in your dreams, parabo, in your dreams.
parabo maybe in itsjustme's dreams
mesh huh bellingcat.i2p is a thing
dr|z3d apparently so.
itsjustme Not much parabo getting ready for bed mostly. You?
parabo about the same
parabo dr|f3d
parabo I mean dr|z3d
parabo p;[p[;']
parabo '[p;l[']\
parabo dr|z3d
dr|z3d mustafabo!
parabo what up dr|z3d?
dr|z3d shizzle dizzle, you?
parabo dr|z3d
dr|z3d parabo
albat hey :)
dr|z3d what up albat
albat nothing much
albat busy with children of my sister
dr|z3d uncle albat comes to town.
albat i'm godfather also :p
dr|z3d albat capone.
albat why capone?
albat ah ok*got it lol
albat i know
albat just didn't linked at the moment
albat RS is not slow lol