IRCaBot 2.1.0
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parabo itsjustme
dr|z3d parabo! what up?
parabo not much dr|z3d
dr|z3d you know, the usual :)
itsjustme Hey parabo!
parabo what's up itsjustme ?
albat hey :)
parabo hi albat
parabo how are you?
albat i'm fine
albat you?
parabo pretty good thanks
itsjustme Not to much hbu parabo?
albat i'm looking for new games to play over steam
albat any good idle rpg?
dr|z3d try creaks, albat.
albat ok thanks
dr|z3d not an rpg as such, but you'll probably like it.
dr|z3d demo should be available.
albat on steam?
dr|z3d probably
not_bob Would anyone here be willing to drop a youtube comment for me?
itsjustme not_bob: what do you mean?
not_bob Someone found my page and made a youtube video about it.
not_bob Not so much about it, but it was in the spotlight. I want to correct him.
not_bob But, I lack a google account to comment with.
mesh not_bob: unlikely somebody will comment on youtube. you might as well create a throw-away google account
mesh not_bob: also I think people should be very wary of subscription lists
not_bob Fair point.
T3s|4 o/ mildseven - glad to learn you're getting impressive speed with Starlink. If you don't mind sharing, how much are paying per month for the service?
mildseven AUD$150 T3s|4
mesh then again the whole ".i2p" mechanism is iffy. then again it's not clear what a good solution. I would say use .b32.i2p links with SSL but jesus is SSL painful to implement
T3s|4 thanks mildseven - I've got a friend who is looking at it seriously
mildseven T3s|4: it's great if you have no obstructions (eg. trees)
mesh mildseven: what sort of latency does startlink give you? do you play any online games?
mildseven it gives me anywhere between 25-50ms
mildseven i play xbox online and it does not disconnect from what i've seen
T3s|4 yep - with any satellite link, a clear line of sight is required
mildseven yep i'm lucky i have no trees around
mildseven they sat can be mounted higher to improve visibility
mildseven there's a kit for it
mildseven from my experience, it doesn't beat fibre but it's damn good for a satellite link
mesh I find 25ms hard to believe but if that's true that's great. that would make starlink competitive with most wired broadband
mildseven it varies mesh
mildseven 25ms is absolute best
mildseven but it will usually be 40-50ms from my experience
mesh nothing beats fiber except internet2
mildseven i'm in a rural area and fibre is not an option unforunately :(
mesh yeah. it's very impressive that starlink latency is <100ms. most satellite internet platforms have latencies of 500+ms
mesh according to starlink gets 42ms, while other satellite systems get 600ms, that's 4g latency. it seems the idea of using much closer satellites really makes a difference
mesh but these satellites only last 3-5 years then new ones have to be launched. it's sort of insane
mesh australia should do what france is doing and commit to 100% fiber penetration no matter the cost
mesh unless you're living completely off grid under a rock somewhere
mesh france will have 100% fiber penetration by 2026. australia will be lucky to have 40%. america will have even less. china will of course have the best and largest fiber network in the world
mesh (more reasons why i2p should really focus on china+asia growth)
mildseven i'm in a housing estate, so really we should have fiber to every house
mesh yeah it's a shame the aussie gov isn't investing more money into fiber
mesh you would think after covid people would all agree on 100% fiber penetration
mildseven is there an image upload service on i2p?
mildseven nvm i used cake.i2p
mildseven there's my speedtest stats for the day
T3s|4 mildeight: those look good - I'll send a copy to my friend
mildeight glad to help
parabo hey guys
parabo dr|z3d
RN aloha. brb...
parabo albat
parabo not_bob
parabo hi RN
albat hi parabo :)
parabo hey albat how are you?
albat fine here u?
parabo Pretty good
parabo Just watching West World
dr|z3d waste world!
parabo what are you up to?
parabo shut your pie hole dr|z3d
albat nothing mucj, playing with RS
parabo Irc2PGuest9403, hi
RN :)
albat what's up parabo ?
parabo albat, I am watching Westworld
parabo have you seen it?
albat only 2 or 3 firsts episodes
parabo you didn't like it?
parabo the third episode is where it starts to get good
parabo how long have you been in washinton?
albat we'll stay for 3 month
albat been 7 days right now
parabo how is the baby?
mesh man windows sucks
RN mesh, have you tried turning the box fan around the other way? Windows can also blow!
parabo mesh, which Windows?
mesh ah yes, these are what humans call jokes
mesh one more reason this planet must be reallocated
parabo mesh, I mean which version
mesh parabo: they all suck. it's like asking which version of cancer
mesh though admittedly some are far more terrible than others... win8
parabo Windows 8.1 you could return to normal desktop mode with some config tools
parabo and it could run in 280mb ram
parabo Windows 10 is pretty good if you install third party security and privacy tools
parabo on most devices it uses less power
parabo although that is hardware specific
mesh I'm on win10 still and windows update is basically malware. It silently installs stupid craps, reboots my computer costing me hours of work and real money (I run some automated trading algos in the bg), and more often than not something terrible happens
parabo I think for portable devices Windows 10 is generally better on battery life
parabo than Linux
mesh Microsoft's "patch tuesday" is nothing more than a pre-announced terrorist attack and I should be able to sue microsoft
parabo you can disable Windows update
parabo or at least pause it for 7 days
parabo just pause it every 7 days for 7 days
mesh parabo: my experiences on linux are even worse frankly. last time I tried to run linux it was a nightmare of never quite getting my wifi to work
mesh parabo: you have to remember to do that each time. there's no way to make windows update opt in
parabo There is
parabo you can disable the Windows Update Orchestrator service
mesh it's frankly ridiculous that microsoft thinks it can do whatever want to my very expensive laptop that I paid thousands of dollars for
parabo and the other services it depends on
mesh parabo: I've looked. Last time I hacked the registry to disable windows update and make it fully opt-in it worked for a couple of months and then at some point microsoft silently "fixed" it
mesh I will have my revenge though
mesh I will in fact have my revenge on all of so-called humanity
dr|z3d when was the last time you tried linux, mesh?
dr|z3d also, did you notice zzz fixed your apache. issue..
mesh last time I tried linux was probably a good 5 years ago... 2016/2017
mesh that's great that he fixed it. that issue was really annoying
dr|z3d that's a huge amount of time.. linux on modern hardware should work without issue.
dr|z3d try a live image first and you can verify shizz works before you commit to a partition.
mesh yeah, in theory liunx should work well on this laptop. that's the only reason I keep buying dell laptops... they have good wifi cards and are supposed to work well with laptop
mesh err work well with linux
dr|z3d for a win10 user, I'd recommend xubuntu.
dr|z3d dell's laptops are pretty well supported in linux, to the point that you can update the firmware from within linux.
mesh dr|z3d: I've heard linux or "Wayland" still has issues with multiple screens
dr|z3d xubuntu is good old X11.
RN mesh, how many screens you got on the laptop?
dr|z3d there I was thinking you were making a joke, there, RN. my bad. you meant attached.
mesh RN: I've got 2... a cheapo but surprisingly decent 30inch lg
RN X11: start build, go buy a car, get tax papers filed, move to another city, compile done! :)
mesh and the primary laptop screen
dr|z3d mesh: xubuntu. you can thank me later.
RN nice. I ran lappy with three screens a one point. alt screens started malfunctioning so down to one external, and lid closed.
mesh what's annoying is that *windows* has trouble with multiple screens. it's quite clear that dell and microsoft and AMD did not work together to make sure that the video card I paid hundreds of dollars of for actually works well with the rest of the laptop and windows
mesh I can't actually use the higher 120hz refresh rate (introduces severe artifacts) and if I play too many videos at once the entire graphics driver is wont to crash
mesh RN: monitors are so cheap these days I buy one every time I move. I won't even be able to take this monitor with me when I leave the country in a few weeks but whatever it was only a little more than $200 I think
RN I'm currently not financially flush, so no medium to large purchases until that changes
RN I could throw and old working CRT on the desk next to the lcd
RN but size!
mesh there was a time not so long ago when a 30inch monitor cost $800. nowadays if you know where to look you can grab them for <$300. they're practically disposable. I'll buy one even if I'm only going to be in the country for ~90 days
mesh (works out to about $3/day)
mesh dr|z3d: xubuntulooks interesting. I'll check out the live image on a usb to see how well it works with my hardware. the only other thing keeping me on windows is the occassional gaming binge (total war, mass effect)
RN dual boot!
RN just know when you want to game, you might have to wait for windows updates if you havent booted win in a couple days ;)
mesh I could do that if I was a nerd
mesh (and my hard drive was bigger than a measely 130gb)
dr|z3d how much free space have you got, mesh?
dr|z3d on your storage?
dr|z3d for easy live image to usb thumb drive, rufus is pretty good.
dr|z3d (on windows)
dr|z3d as for gaming, steam on linux does pretty well these days, you might be surprised how much it runs from windows world.
mesh very little... just 23.3gb free. but I have a lot of crap that I could delete between java development, old games, and amd driver installers (new one downloads every month and makes no attempt to delete the old ones)
dr|z3d well, see how the live xubuntu image works for you first, then maybe you can take a view on whether you want to free up space.
dr|z3d_ > well, see how the live xubuntu image works for you first, then maybe you can take a view on whether you want to free up space.
dr|z3d_ if you've got a large enough thumb drive, you can make the install persistent and install stuff.
dr|z3d in any event, it should run pretty fast, given it's mostly running from a ram disk.
mesh dr|z3d: yeah I have many large usb drives lying around and plenty of ram fortunately
mesh I like the idea of a encrypted thumb drive that could be used to boot into linux
dr|z3d great, mesh, should give you a good experience.
mesh not sure if that's possible yet, but it would be cool to have a kind of secure computer on a thumb drive
mesh but I don't think it's possible to boot from an encrypted fs yet...
mesh dr|z3d: oh cool. apparently it is possible to boot ubuntu from an encrypted thumb drive as long as you leave an unencrypted boot partition
dr|z3d you don't need to encrypt the boot partition, just your home dir.
RN look at dr's link
mesh that's really cool, even cooler than installing openjdk on termux+android
dr|z3d as a developer, you'll be in a much better space on linux.
dr|z3d say goodbye to manually downloading and installing packages, worrying about whether all your apps are up to date...
dr|z3d and you can kiss goodbye to having to hunt down drivers, too.
dr|z3d if you happen to use VS code for coding, no problem, it's available natively on Linux with full extension support.
mesh there was a time when the disk i/o and threading performance on linux was actually significantly better than windows thanks to work by ibm and redhat
mesh apparently it's gotten better since 2017 though windows is still mostly slower according to
dr|z3d well, you can do plenty once you've got xubuntu running.. lots of improvements, not least the xanmod kernel.
dr|z3d there's also this, which I haven't tried:
mesh xanmod is interesting. but it's a little scary to run a kernel provided by a bunch of randos with a website. I would probaly stick with ubuntu or redhat kernels
dr|z3d never had an issue with it.
mesh it is open source tho, and development is very active according to
mesh I like the idea of a kernel that's tuned for the desktop. this does make much sense than using the same kernel on a monster server with tons of ram that never gets rebooted focused on throughput and a laptop focused on latency
dr|z3d well, exactly.
dr|z3d you can easily switch between kernels at boot time, so nothing lost, everything to gain.
mesh (it's the same thing with i2p. no reason everybody should be running the exact same i2p router config when people are running under very different conditions)
dr|z3d and probably they're not, at the bare minimum when it comes to bandwidth allocation.
dr|z3d the more esoteric configs people run I2P+ for. or not :)
mesh dr|z3d: yeah I'm just not a fan of beta testing stuff these days. my days of geeking out and running the latest and greatest are over. these days I tend to stick with what works and actually avoid updating stuff whenever possible
dr|z3d stick to a stable xanmod branch, then, you'll be fine.
dr|z3d none of it is beta, in any event. it's all pretty well tested before release.
mesh I wonder how these xanmod guys make money. do donations alone really pay for all this work
mesh though stuff like doesn't inspire confidence hehe... obvious memory leak
mesh anyways it does look cool. I didn't realize there were any desktop-focused kernels besides what ubuntu does
not_bob parabo: I'm alive!
not_bob parabo: But, going afk again.
term99 high, bye
parabo dr|z3d