IRCaBot 2.1.0
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mesh today i2p is very fast and sites load quickly. yesterday i2p was very slow and some sites weren't loading at all. why?
mesh T3s|4_: what did you do?
RN mesh, network conditions change in real time. This is part of the design.
RN and I2P may have seemed slow to you yesterday while appearing fast to me yesterday. There are sooooooo many variables
RN also, subjective measurements such as fast and slow are subjective
mesh RN: yes of course. we need something like a "weather system" for the network that can detect slowdowns and explain what's going on
RN There is a Network Weather (tm) indicator
RN I believe it is on stats.i2p
mesh though I suspect there are bugs in the system that lead to absurdly long tunnel build times.
RN That sounds like a fun coding project for you.
mesh I don't see anything about the weather on statis.i2p
RN stats.i2p
RN and the dashboard seems down for maintenace
mesh hah, Denied - You have been temporarily banned due to excessive requests. ... for opening two links in tabs
RN hmmm.. that does seem a little over sensative
dr|z3d mesh: you still on release build aka 1.7.0-0+?