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dr|z3d I2P+ GLOBAL installer now available as a torrent: tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?action=Download&id=63921
dr|z3d Works with Windows, Linux, BSD and MacOS.. Please seed for as long as you can, ideally until the next release. Thanks!
dr|z3d All I2P+ 1.8.0+ torrents now up. Please seed if you can! Thanks! tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?view=TPoolDetail&id=1256
dr|z3d [Installer/Update/I2PSnarkStandalone]
parabo hey guys
parabo dr|z3d
parabo AmyMalik
parabo itsjustme
parabo T3s|4
parabo Glory Glory, what a hell of a way to die. Glory Glory, what a hell of a way to die. Glory Glory what a hell of a way to die. We ain't gonna jump no more.
parabo "Is everybody happy?"cried the sergeant looking up. Our hero feebly answered "Yes" and then they stood him up. He jumped into the icy blast, his static line unhooked. We ain't gonna jump no more.
parabo He counted long, he counted loud. He waited for the shock. He felt the wind, he felt the cold, the awful drop. The silk from his reserves spilled out and wrapped around his legs. He ain't gonna jump no more
parabo Glory Glory, what a hell of a way to die. Glory Glory, what a hell of a way to die. Glory Glory what a hell of a way to die. We ain't gonna jump no more.
parabo The risers swung around his neck, connectors cracked his dome. Suspension lines were tied in knots around his skinny bones. The canopy became his should; he hurdled to the ground. He ain't gonna jump no more
parabo I forget the rest of the song
parabo Apparently when you have a different perspective on the russia ukraine conflict, because you are in a position to see things and hear things and know things the vox populace are ignorant of... you're a russian shill
itsjustme Hey parabo
parabo I got banned from ##politics for having opposing views and information people in the channel don't on libera
parabo seems just like the old freenode
parabo Get banned for being beyond the level of anyone else. get banned for being opposition to the masses. Get banned for whatever
parabo What you doing itsjustme?
itsjustme Not much really. Feeling a lot better though :) how about you?
parabo I am just doing some talking to people
parabo social networking, and I don't mean the kind where you go on a website of social media and post memes
parabo like the kind where you make connections via other connections and gain trust and respect and contacts
parabo It's a good way to gain power
itsjustme What kind of power you looking for?
parabo Um, global political and military and such
parabo You know, gotta fix the world
parabo Fuck, every time I post stuff in Islamic groups or forums or anything I get tons of friend requests and messages from random idiots
parabo I started a new facebook account, and in under a week I have 2000 friends
parabo They all want to be my friends
parabo Hrm, new Pokemon card game set out
AmyMalik i gotta jet, i think
AmyMalik i unironically suspect the caliphate will be on my doorstep in a decade
parabo AmyMalik, jet?
parabo Where you jetting to?
AmyMalik i'll fucking catch fire befole i ever wear a burqa
AmyMalik probably nowhere as i am stateless
AmyMalik (a woman with a distinctly man's name and passports)
parabo Why would you need to where a Burka?
AmyMalik you mixing talk of your religion with your revolution?
parabo What?
parabo My revolution isn't about bringing Islam to the masses
parabo I respect peoples right to believe or not believe what they want
parabo But some of my goals in the world relate to Islamic things, not cultural or legal or political revolution
parabo hi term99
parabo dr|z3d, wake up
dr|z3d what up p
dr|z3d >> All I2P+ 1.8.0+ torrents now up. Please seed if you can! Thanks! tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?view=TPoolDetail&id=1256 <<
parabo dr|z3d, playing Pokemon TCH online
parabo dr|z3d, some conspiracy theorists have theorized that Joseph Stalin... May have been a communist
parabo He has a hammer and sickle emblem on his RED hat!
parabo I just pulled off an epic hack
parabo And it's an ethical hack
parabo the company that makes bionic eyes, and maintains and services them, and updates them software wise... Has discontinued as of the end of this year the entire product line and services for them. So I hacked into their network, and got sftp from their database servers, and I am currently downloading the 1.2Tb of research, technology specs and blueprints, and software stacks, as well as the designs for the equipment
parabo to make and service them
parabo So now, people who are blind, or will again be blind because the company said they are "obsolete" when no other technology exists to offer vision to the blind, I'm gonna be making them, and servicing and selling them
parabo They work based on low resolution cameras, converting the video stream into audio. In a matter of weeks a blind person can adapt to perceive the audio stream as visual input, either born blind or lost their vision, they can see with this stuff.
parabo Stupid anti hacking laws make this illegal. I say it's a crime to discontinue the production of a technology because it is no longer profitable
dr|z3d parabo: loose lips sink ships :)
parabo It's a disability rights issue, they can't sue me. I already talked to my lawyer
parabo As long as a disabled person will undergo undue hardship which blindness is considered if treatable but not available is the treatment, I can do it
parabo But only when they officially stop producing at the end of the year
parabo I'm an open book dr|z3d
parabo I even reported myself to the feds a few days ago
dr|z3d substitute book for comic, and I'd probably agree :)
parabo comic?
dr|z3d yeah, you know, stories with pictures in magazine format.
parabo Oh, I don't do that. I write actual books. And papers, which usually go into books
dr|z3d "I am an open book"
dr|z3d nevermind, you're too slow on the uptake.
dr|z3d you're meant to throw expletives in my direction as a reponse.
dr|z3d >> All I2P+ 1.8.0+ torrents now up. Please seed if you can! Thanks! tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?view=TPoolDetail&id=1256 <<
parabo Sweet, CSIS is coming to investigate me
parabo I reported myself to CSIS and RCMP... For forming an army and having over 100,000 in weapons and munitions
itsjustme parabo: why would you do that?
parabo itsjustme, because I have to be open and not hide anything. I said come check out our stuff, and I told them we should do war games with the army
parabo I am trying to be a legit militia not breaking laws or hiding