IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
jans <dr|z3d> I have 2 TB cp on this machine
jans <Marcus> omg dude
jans <dr|z3d> Mostly little boy pee pee pics
jans <Marcus> you gotta get them to let you babysit again
jans <Marcus> i want more vids
jans <dr|z3d> I accidentally put his pants on backwards
jans <Marcus> So you think they know?
jans <dr|z3d> All I did was suck his dick dude big deal
parabo itsjustme
parabo ReturningNovice
ReturningNovice aloha parabo
parabo what's up ReturningNovice ?
itsjustme Hey parabo and ReturningNovice :)
parabo itsjustme, wyd
itsjustme Walking. You?
parabo sitting
itsjustme Sitting kills
ReturningNovice just sittin' here lookin' like dis
parabo I'm a master sitter
parabo I can sit almost anywhere
ReturningNovice haha. so right. I should excorcise more (any at all)
ReturningNovice but can you squat?
parabo sure probably
ReturningNovice can you sit cross legs?
ReturningNovice and cross legs with feet on top?
ReturningNovice (yoga style lol)
ReturningNovice we is flexible
ReturningNovice T3s|4, plug yerself in you need a charge!
Mustafabo shut up itsjustme
Mustafabo you goof
Mustafabo you and your "lol"
Mustafabo itsjustme, XCOM 2
Mustafabo play it
Mustafabo because it's a good game
itsjustme oh, I don't really play games
barns <dr|z3d> I mean whats better then raping children?
Mustafabo dr|z3d, that person still at it?
Mustafabo they need a life
parabo AmyMalik
parabo how you?
AmyMalik digestion't
T3s|4 ReturningNovice: 'currently' fully charged :D
AmyMalik ReturningNovice: h
parabo itsjustme
parabo dr|z3d
dr|z3d no, parabo
dr|z3d yes you have a nice 64 core threadripper system on a 10G pipe for me? :)
dr|z3d *crickets*
parabo it broke
parabo also no 10G pipe
dr|z3d not good enough!
parabo I have fibre but it's slow, just good pings
dr|z3d oh, you have fiber now. great. did you pay for the entire town to get fiber?
parabo kind of
dr|z3d so what speeds you getting? not fast you say?
parabo 100mbit
dr|z3d not to be sneezed at!
dr|z3d they're talking about trialing 25Gb/s in NZ soon.
dr|z3d that's obscene speeds. I can't imagine most residential households will have use for that kind of speed for a few years yet.
parabo or a modem for it
dr|z3d why can't I get 25Gb/s downloads on my wireless?
dr|z3d if napster in its original incarnation was still a thing, imagine how quickly you could suck down discographies. *chuckle*
dr|z3d hell, even on 100mbit you could do some serious hoovering.
parabo i get 100mbit up too
parabo outbound speeds are usually low around here
dr|z3d symmetric is always good, many suppliers seriously cap upstream.
Sarah parabo: i hate my asym cable..
parabo because they provide outbound to hosting
parabo oh asym
Sarah this is bullshit and puuuure capitalism
parabo itsjustme
genka how you doing guys
parabo everyone is fine
parabo and afk
parabo hi genka
genka nice
parabo how are you?
genka i'm good
genka i havent been here for a some time
parabo welcome back then
parabo I have a beard
genka haha nice. me too young for a beard :))
genka dr|z3d how you doing mate
genka dont znc should keep message history?
genka just installed hexchat and got no messages before
genka idk much about znc
parabo if you want it to keep messages you already got you need to go into the settings
genka parabo: where is it exactly placed in settings? just got to settings but didnt find that setting. thanks
genka parabo: where is it exactly placed in settings? just got to settings but didnt find that setting. thanks
parabo i think in the server settings
T3s|4_ genka: Buffer The maximum amount of lines stored for each channel or query playback buffer. The buffers are stored in memory, and oldest lines are discarded when the limit is reached. Only admin users can exceed the maximum buffer size specified in the global section.
T3s|4_ Buffer = 300
T3s|4_ genka: you couldn't find ^this yourself?
genka T3s|4_: it's already set. usually it work as is but today it didnt for some reason when i switched from konversation to hexchat. dont be toxic