IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
parabo itsjustme
itsjustme hey parabo :D
itsjustme how are you?
parabo I think I set a world record
parabo covid 8 times now
itsjustme oh? for what?
parabo what are you doing itsjustme?
itsjustme not much. watching some youtube
parabo Judge Judy on youtube
itsjustme anything good?
itsjustme I'm watching IT crowed bloopers
parabo I don't like that show
itsjustme Its pretty funny
parabo IT is pretty funny?
parabo I believe that women have the right, to walk the street at night, without being afraid for their lives. And I believe a woman has the right to chose what happens to her body, without suffering the judgement of the conservative right. And I believe a woman has the right to wear the clothes she likes, without being treated like dirt. And I think we men are pathetic, how we choose to use aesthetics as the measure of
parabo a woman's worth. I'm ashamed on behalf of my sex; for making women feel like objects. Fuck I love boobs thought
parabo dr|z3d
itsjustme I don't think his around
parabo stop spelling like my wife
parabo itsjustme
itsjustme what do you mean?
parabo lol my third wife spells like she talks
parabo instead of he's she says his
parabo itsjustme, wyd
itsjustme listening to some youtube and chatting
parabo I'm watching Rick and Morty
itsjustme thats a good show
parabo apparently I forgot to watch the second half of season 5
itsjustme I thought that was illegal!
parabo having 3 wives?
itsjustme no, not watching the 2nd half of season 5
parabo i think you're right
parabo what are you listening to?
parabo i hate covid
itsjustme covid is annoying
parabo try being immune compromised
parabo 8 times dude
parabo I am covid positive for the 8th time
itsjustme yeah that sounds really bad
parabo people who have healthy immune systems need higher viral load, so more exposure, to get covid
parabo I get it so easy
parabo your music sucks
itsjustme thanks :)
parabo are you getting sucked off by your music?
itsjustme what do you mean?
parabo you know damn right
itsjustme I don't know
parabo it's blowing you
parabo itsjustme
parabo I hate you because you're just you
itsjustme it's me yeah :)
itsjustme you don't like me? :(
parabo no I think you're great
itsjustme relaxing
itsjustme thank :)
itsjustme you're great too :D
parabo itsjustme
itsjustme Hey parabo
parabo are you staying up late because friday?
itsjustme Not really staying up late but yeah
parabo I dunno
rambler Hey parabo and itsjustme
itsjustme Hey rambler!
house <dr|z3d
house <dr|z3d> I really want to rape a 5yo
house <dr|z3d> suck his little dick
house <dr|z3d> then smack the shit out of him
house <dr|z3d> tell him ill kill his parents if he doesnt do it
term99 stupid script
dr|z3d oh, wait.
dr|z3d nevermind, good call, term99
term99 my +M didn't trigger
dr|z3d +M is already on.
term99 oh its set
term99 must of missed it, either way, trash out
dr|z3d +M = registration required to speak in channel.
dr|z3d which is fine. we don't need +m per se.
term99 i'll create a i2p /kb instead of clearnet
SarahM What's wrong D:
rambler Hey everyone
dr|z3d hey hey rambler
rambler Hey hey indeed! All good?
dr|z3d nbty, u?
rambler I had to read that a couple times to figure out it probably means, "Not bad, thank you." lol
rambler Yeah, nbty
rambler Just been busy in the yard / garden today. Got some egg-plant in the ground and bought more tomato plants because tomatoes are delicious
dr|z3d haha, good , good.
rambler Got a late start this year sadly but bought enough seeds today for the next 10 years lol
dr|z3d well prepared for the apocalypse then
term99 yup, clones for days :)