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mildseven just got a fresh install of i2p+
mildseven how do i enable dev updates? i forgot :/
dr|z3d mildseven: check /configupdate
dr|z3d instructions are there.
mildseven thanks!
dr|z3d (at the bottom of that page)
dr|z3d you're welcome!
mildseven yep got it :)
dr|z3d *thumbs up*
mildseven it's saying no update available atm
dr|z3d it will tell you that if it hasn't acquired the leaseset for skank
dr|z3d try browsing to skank.i2p first and then checking for an update.
dr|z3d or you can run ~/i2p/eephead skank.i2p
mildseven skank.i2p wasn't in the router address book
dr|z3d oh, then your fresh install isn't that fresh!
dr|z3d you're probably using a config dir from a standard i2p install.
mildseven yeah i am .. maybe i should fresh install..
mildseven using the i2p+ installer
dr|z3d which is fine if you need to retain previous settings and whatever, but for the best experience, a clean install is recommended.
dr|z3d you can invoke a clean install by stopping i2p+, moving/renaming your existing .i2p dir and then starting again.
mildseven ok cool
dr|z3d (any time i2p/i2p+ can't find its config dir, it'll create a new one with the default settings for the installation)
mildseven time to try it, brb
dr|z3d good luck!
mildseven that was quick and easy
mildseven it's running 1.8.0-0+
dr|z3d nice, mildseven
dr|z3d check your addressbook, should have skank in there.
mildseven yeah it is
dr|z3d and it should have several subscriptions which will fill in the blanks.
dr|z3d you'll need to open the new tcp/udp port if you haven't already. or remap to the previous port.
mildseven oh thanks for reminding me
dr|z3d and of course don't forget to configure your bandwidth!
mildseven the vps is on a gigabit link but i have a 3TB data limit
mildseven hopefully i wont hit the limit
dr|z3d you can limit your bandwidth, or you can limit the number of participating tunnels. it'll take a few weeks for the router to really hit its stride, so I wouldn't worry just yet about limits.
mildseven for now i've just limited to 10mbit
dr|z3d so a couple of config tweaks.. firstly, you'll want to edit ~/.i2p/router.config and add the line: routerconsole.advanced=true
dr|z3d when that's done, around 30 seconds later you should see a congestion section in the sidepanel.
mildseven edit then restart the router?
dr|z3d no restart needed for that.
dr|z3d if you're not hugely fussed about the identity of the router, you can then enable SSU2 which is still in testing. you'll be about 1 of 20 or so routers with it enabled. entirely up to you.
mildseven oh cool, i'd like that
dr|z3d has the congestion section appeared?
mildseven yep it's there
dr|z3d ok, you can now edit router.config in the console on /configadvanced
dr|z3d first line to add there is: routerconsole.showPeerTestAvg=true
dr|z3d that will add an entry in the congestion section for peer test latency.
dr|z3d to reduce the max time taken for a peer test before it's marked as slow, add the line: router.peerTestTimeout=500
dr|z3d that's fairly conservative, and will ensure your local tunnels use low latency peers only. (the default is 1s or 1000).
dr|z3d to enable ssu2, add the line: i2np.ssu2.enable=true
mildseven what's next?
dr|z3d that setting will require a restart to activate.
dr|z3d if you've added the above configs, the next thing is to reboot to enable SSU2.
dr|z3d restart the router, not reboot the VPS :)
dr|z3d but before that, how much ram have you got on the VPS?
mildseven 2gb RAM
dr|z3d you may or may not wish to increase the ram allocated to the JVM.
dr|z3d with 2GB ram, 768M is a fairly conservative max value. you'll need to edit ~/i2p/wrapper.config
dr|z3d for example in ~/i2p/wrapper.config
mildseven yep found it
dr|z3d the default value in i2p+ is now I think 512, so maybe you can leave it as that for now. up to you.
mildseven i've set it to 768
mildseven there's nothing much else running on the box
mildseven just znc
mildseven so 768 is fine
dr|z3d any changes to wrapper.config need the router to be stopped and then started. a restart won't work.
mildseven ok time to boot the router
dr|z3d ~/i2p/i2prouter stop
dr|z3d and then ~/i2p/i2prouter start
mildseven yep brb
mildseven ok all appears to be running ok
dr|z3d *thumbs up*
mildseven SSU2 enabled also
dr|z3d ok, given you now have SSU2 enabled, you'll want to stay on top of the dev updates.
mildseven i have dev updates enabled
dr|z3d ok, so you should be on -8+ real soon now :)
mildseven still says no update available when i check manually
dr|z3d try ~/i2p/eephead skank.i2p and make sure it responds.
dr|z3d it could also possibly be the fact the install date is later than the latest update, in which case you'll want to manually grab the from the dev url and drop it in ~/i2p/
dr|z3d (unsigned updates only have datestamps to go on)
dr|z3d and if you manually update instead of in-console, the router won't know you updated so may report the same update again post-restart, so best to do updates in console where possible)
mildseven thanks for the help dr|z3d
dr|z3d anytime, mildseven. you're good now? on -8+?
dr|z3d great1
mildseven oh Wired magazine has an i2p address now.. cool
mildseven i used to buy that magazine all the time
dr|z3d yeah, I noticed that on notbob and figured it's worth sticking on the homepage :)
mildseven yes definitely
dr|z3d in fact, I've noticed a bunch of sites on notbob lately that seem like good fits for /home
dr|z3d how long they'll stay around is anyone's guess, but it's good to see some forward momentum.
mildseven slashdot is good too
Ellenor the heavens opened on me when I went to get my groceries
mildseven it rained?
parabo dr|z3d
parabo itsjustme
parabo Ellenor
Ellenor hey parabo
Ellenor how goes it?
Ellenor get visited in a dream?
parabo it goes good
parabo how are you Ellenor
Ellenor parabo: i just got rained on while collecting grocerieseseseen
itsjustme hey parabo
itsjustme how are you?
itsjustme hey Ellenor :)
Ellenor it's very embarrassing being a girl on a bike when it rains that hard. with a wet tshirt, your tits are very visible
mildseven perhaps wear a jacket?
Ellenor no chance
Ellenor the heavens opened amid a ride i entered into while it was cleal
Ellenor clear*
itsjustme Ellenor: I hear that parabo likes boobs
itsjustme So that's something
Ellenor He's very religious, so, doesn't wanna suck girldick
itsjustme You have a dick?
dr|z3d you haven't been paying much attention, itsjustme
itsjustme I hardly do lol
Ellenor itsjustme: I do, yes
Ellenor it's... surreal really
Ellenor I make it work <,<
itsjustme I like guys but not feminine guys
itsjustme I for some reason thought your were a female Ellenor
Ellenor and you wouldn't be wrong, in many ways
dr|z3d nitter.skank.i2p is a thing...
dr|z3d probably looks better than that instance, too. :)
Ellenor just use any nitter you want, i mostly use it in clearnet so i link a random clearnet instance
Ellenor itsjustme: you thought right, i'm just not the typical model of female i guess?
mildseven Ellenor: so are you trans?
Ellenor mildseven: of course. I make it work
mildseven yay i guessed right
mildseven do i win a prize?
Ellenor mildseven: no you don't.
dr|z3d yes, you win a prize. you get to wear a dress around the house for a day!
mildseven should be fun