IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
acid43 <dr|z3d> I want to dress my nephew up like a girl next time i rape him
acid43 <dr|z3d> A little dress
acid43 <dr|z3d> So I can fuck him like the little slut he is
acid43 <Marcus> That is sooo hot dude
acid43 <dr|z3d> I want my cock in his ass so bad
acid43 <dr|z3d> its just so tight
acid43 <dr|z3d> I cant even get two fingers in
acid43 <dr|z3d> And he crys
acid43 <dr|z3d> So I slap the shit out of him
acid43 <Marcus> Tell him who is boss
acid43 <Marcus> Tell him you'll kill his family if he doesnt do what you say
acid43 <dr|z3d> I already did that
acid43 <dr|z3d> I need to go buy a bunny and kill it in front of him
acid43 <dr|z3d> Let him pet it first
acid43 <dr|z3d> But they only let me babysit once in a while
acid43 <dr|z3d> First I gice him candy
acid43 <dr|z3d> Then I tell him its time to play a game
acid43 <dr|z3d> Ride the horsey
acid43 <dr|z3d> And hes all like "I dont want to play ride the horsey! That game hurts!"
acid43 <dr|z3d> Then I tell him I'm your uncle! You have to do exactly as I say!
acid43 <dr|z3d> So I grab him and spit in his face
acid43 <dr|z3d> Tell him get on your fucking knees
acid43 <dr|z3d> I'll kill your mommy TONIGHT IF YOU DONT GOD DAMN IT
acid43 <dr|z3d> He does like to pose for the camera
HaruCode Well, if dr|z3d is a pedophile or you think so, it's his problem. if you are a pedophile, it's your problem. Either way, don't make it our problem. Even if you get off from it.
acid43 <dr|z3d> I'm going to make so much money off selling this cp on tor
acid43 <dr|z3d> I've got him trained pretty good
HaruCode itsjustme, RN StormyCloud T3s|4
HaruCode T3s|4_
acid43 <dr|z3d> By the time hes 11 he will be my boyfriend
acid43 <dr|z3d> Then I can take him camping
acid43 <dr|z3d> And cum in his ass
acid43 <dr|z3d> I've turned him into a little sissy boy faggot now
acid43 <dr|z3d> I just got to make as much cp as possible
acid43 <dr|z3d> The vid of me cumming in his mouth is so hot. And he fucking swallows it like a little sissy boy faggot
acid43 <dr|z3d> Then I reward him with a new toy or ice cream
acid43 <dr|z3d> dollar store toy lmao
acid43 <dr|z3d> I have at least a tb of cp right now omfg
acid43 <Marcus> LOL me too! I have it so encrypted no one can get to it but me
acid43 <Marcus> I hide the drive under the floor board
HaruCode out of premade nonsense? good. now go relax and take your pills. also thanks for reminding me about the ignore list feature
T3s|4 HaruCode: noted, but please don't acknowledge or feed the pathetic pedo troll. That's obviously what it is most desperate for ;p
HaruCode added to ignore list anyway
T3s|4 they change nicks constantly
HaruCode it's not too hard to add another one upon seeing a message about nephew
HaruCode maybe I'll even write a little script to ignore anyone saying "nephew" in a message tagging other user
T3s|4 that's the spirit - in addition to sharing your work! :D
HaruCode hmm. maybe I'll even send it to dr|z3d as a gift, with and option to ban the user instead of ignoring
HaruCode depends on whether he's using hexchat
HaruCode or not tag but quote as a test condition
HaruCode say something please, I need to test the hook and too lazy to read the irc rfc
dr|z3d don't worry, HaruCode, there are already tools addressing the issue.
HaruCode dr|z3d, don't seem very effective, also I'm not worried, unless you really rape your nephew every day, of course, and LUA is very simple. you can decide what to do with the script yourself
dr|z3d still in learning mode, will become more effective in time.
HaruCode given his posts are always imitating quoted messages from hexchat, I don't really think something as powerful as neural networks is necessary in this case
HaruCode dr|z3d and anyone interested and using hexchat, here is a little script for troll-slapping. not using mighty machine-learning, but can still do butthurt. ce67hoa2phj7nkikb4ad5s3xj553jgngtrxwchyi7xzonofee6yq.b32.i2p/slapstick.lua
HaruCode changing EAT_NONE to EAT_HEXCHAT will also hide matched messages