IRCaBot 2.1.0
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HaruCode dr|z3d, well... it works... except the anal squirming due to changing location on page load according to remembered setting makes me scream. to me, it look like this:
HaruCode oops, double-paste for the first link
HaruCode I strongly recommend remodeling this to static page layout and XMLHttpRequest+POST for the changing data, like in refreshTorrents
HaruCode btw, the close button in the log window is too small and gets overlapper by vertical scrollbar, thus becoming unclickable in default dark theme
T3s|4 dr|z3d: did I miss 1+ or did we jump straight to 2+?
dr|z3d you missed -1+ T3s|4, very short interval between the two, -2+ fixes an SSU2 packet size bug, which is why it's also up there on the release url.
T3s|4 thanks for the heads up dr|z3d :)
HaruCode dr|z3d, did you test the files?
dr|z3d which ones, HaruCode? something new?
HaruCode did you miss my messages? peer count persistence
HaruCode look it up at ircabot
dr|z3d ah, I see now in backlog. thanks, will looksee.
dr|z3d no idea what you're trying to convey with that imgur link.
HaruCode my feelings on the current page logic, no offence
HaruCode worked within existing servlet logic, so js changes only. as for your offer to make my own changes, however terrible I think the current state of affairs is, I don't have resources to remodel the app as I'd like, and I think patches to the current logic are better that some great and optimized workflow ideas started and stalled as in so many open source projects
HaruCode *better than
HaruCode also we have different opinions on UI approach, and this is your project
HaruCode and maybe "terrible" is too strong of a word, but there are some dom manipulations on refresh and servlet logic that are... improvable
HaruCode anyway, I've tested the update in an iframe and in a page, and within the intended logic it works
HaruCode but I'd still recommend changing XMLHttpRequest to POST and deciding whether to return active peer elements based on POST parameters instead of loading the whole page from different uri
HaruCode or even still using GET, but with a different uri in the request based on the setting. but no changing he base page address
HaruCode let me know what will come of this testing, dr|z3d
HaruCode sorry if I sound offensive. my manners are terrible, I guess, which, combined with non-native language might sound atrocious
dr|z3d no worries, HaruCode, I'm getting used to you :) And I'm back from afk, so I'll see what you've done in a few. And sure, a get or post request to snag the uri is what I was thinking of down the line, so if the user only doesn't have peers on display for all torrents, that status is saved.
dr|z3d And, you know, we don't have to achieve everything at once. You've already contributed persistence, so thanks for that. What you choose to contribute is up to you.
dr|z3d refreshTorrents.js giving me a 404 right now.
dr|z3d also, you're missing a 404.html and 403.html in eepsite/docroot/.resources/
HaruCode I only use jetty to give files to you now, so no error pages. if you got 404, there's a typo in the link. these two I just checked, dr|z3d
dr|z3d you're using i2p+ to serve the files, no?
HaruCode whatever was built with ant updater
dr|z3d so you have the ability to serve your own custom 403/404 files.
HaruCode any server has
HaruCode I just didn't configure anything and use it to serve files
dr|z3d what I mean is, unlike default i2p, i2p+ makes it simple, and in fact without 404.html and 403.html in docroot/.resources/ any 404 errors on jetty will 404 because no 404.html.
dr|z3d there are some options in installer/eepsite/docroot/.resources/ in the source tree.
dr|z3d got refreshTorrents.js now, thanks.
dr|z3d jetty-dir.css in the same location is also worth putting in .resources/