IRCaBot 2.1.0
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dfr22 Hi RN
dfr22 Do me znc keep spam channel?
RN aloha dfr22
dfr22 How are RN?
RN doing ok. just tinkering with kde
dfr22 What kde?
RN the gui
RN dunno what version I've got, but it should be up to date
RN not having success... getting a blank screen after login, then back to the lock screen
RN baloo is extracting something... but dunno if I have the start command right
RN also considering going for a drive in my auto
dfr22 Where to drive.
RN need to burn so fuel to run cleaner through system
dfr22 Yes see
RN google is not being very helpful with "xx kilometers from me"
dfr22 Google bad
RN found some tools to make a radius on a map, but they all do 'up to xx km' kinda thing, so too many close ones shown. Only really showing places, not events or things to do...
dfr22 Go for smoke shipshape
RN yeah, google has evil parts to it. I interfere with and confuse those.
dfr22 *shisha
RN ddg doesn't have maps yet do they?
dfr22 Apple maps
RN I mean I didn't think to ask my ipad.
RN oh shit
RN yeah, lemme see what siri thinks (lol more data collection)
dfr22 Apple good. No help fbi decryption from iPhone
dr|z3d RN: failure to login usually == issues with ~/.Xauthority
RN dr|z3d, might me... might be I'm starting it wrong too.
dfr22 Hellos dr|z3d
dr|z3d hi dfr22
dfr22 How you?
dr|z3d not bad, thanks, you good?
dr|z3d RN: installed a greeter?
dfr22 Me good
dr|z3d good to hear.
dr|z3d try lightdm if nothing's installed.
RN I've tried; #startx #exec ck-launch-session startplasma-x11 #startx /usr/local/bin/startplasma-x11 ..
dr|z3d have you got an ~/.Xauthority file?
dfr22 RN is bug set LANG=C
RN I want to remember how to turn it on and of at the physical console before I set it to start at boot with a (non optional) gui login screen instead of a terminal with the boot messages and whatnot before the login prompt
dr|z3d ? have you got an ~/.Xauthority file?
RN lemme look fo that file.. just a sec
dfr22 What mean fo
dr|z3d for == for
dr|z3d or other things, but for in this context.
dr|z3d *fo == for
RN not legible in text editor
RN but, have one
dr|z3d doesn't matter about the contents. what's the permissions on it?
RN -rw------- 1 user wheel 483B Sep 14 XX:39 .Xauthority
RN this is not root, this is as usual user. If I set it to run at boot, then it'll probably be running as root?same .Xauth.. file?
dfr22 Can it 777?
RN sec
dr|z3d you could also try moving/deleting it.
RN yeah, lemme try perms first
RN ok, so either I have to kill the proces from the ssh I normally use to run it. or I have to figure out how to make it go back to regular terminal on the host machine...
RN wait
RN just changing the perms on the xauth file got it going with just annother login, instead of restarting the thing
RN although it is loading slower than windows 98
RN well, that's an improvement.
RN dunno why it opened the dolphin things... nothing else visible and mouse not happy...
RN will tinker more later
dr|z3d progress.
RN more progress
RN I think plasma desktop is crashing
RN but
RN I got a vnc session so I can see the blank screen and move the cursur around from the laptop
RN did a reinstall of kde (ignoring the wanted update to pkg) and got it going. now just need to get x11vnc to stop closing
MelanieMalik brunk site is brunk
dr|z3d hey NarratorZ!
dr|z3d I've done some more work on the Chinese themes, classic and light console themes, in addition to the dark theme, have had some improvements done.
NarratorZ looks good,some of the overlapping problems of titles and logos are solved
NarratorZ,a lot of the content of this page has not been translated, and I can find time to deal with it
NarratorZ The page missing "/" and does not open properly:'(
dr|z3d ah, yeah, there's a huge chunk of text there.
dr|z3d I figured that was probably the most important stuff to get tagged. if there's any other of those pages you'd like to see translated, let me know and I'll tag them for translation.
dr|z3d also, if you find any issues in the console or webapps with the themes, let me know. I've fixed what I've found, but I'm not using the chinese console everyday :)
dr|z3d is that linked from anywhere?
dr|z3d is /help linked from anywhere anymore in I2P+?
dr|z3d or it's just an old habit?
NarratorZ Homepage "Help"
NarratorZ Not the router site map
NarratorZ Above the list of interesting websites
dr|z3d you've possibly got old links there?
dr|z3d try /confighome#configapps and then restoring the defaults?
dr|z3d oh, no, my bad, you're right, it's missing a /
dr|z3d I'll fix that, thanks.
dr|z3d fixed and update uploaded.
NarratorZ There is also a java i2p and i2p+ problem, after enabling advanced mode jvm memory no matter how to modify is 114mb, close the client and then use no window to start occasionally have this problem
NarratorZ The java version of the uninstaller also did not clean up the configuration files in c:\user\username\appdata\local:'(
NarratorZ I had to go looking for possible profile folders and delete them manually:'(
NarratorZ Also, wapper.conf doesn't seem to have any effect at all, and the memory size of jvm hasn't changed
NarratorZ Fixed: wrapper.conf
dr|z3d NarratorZ: windows, it's less than optimal, and yeah, I don't think it cleans/delete the profile dir.
dr|z3d not sure what you mean about 114MB?
dr|z3d are you trying to edit wrapper.config ?
NarratorZ yes,but that hasn't changed
dr|z3d if so, you definitely do not want to allocate MAX 114MB to the jvm. that's not enough.
dr|z3d 256M minimum recommended.
NarratorZ As long as route.conf joins routeconsole.advanced, jvm has only 114mb of memory:'(
dr|z3d and that will only work if you run i2p+ as a service, it won't work if you run it without.
dr|z3d are you running i2p+ as a service?
NarratorZ I understand
NarratorZ I'll try rebooting the system after the next modification
NarratorZ Previously I started it using the Start menu shortcut after turning off router:'(
dr|z3d and you need to stop the service and then restart it. it won't work if you restart the router from the web console.
dr|z3d better to manage the service from the task manager or services.msc
dr|z3d (when you want to stop and start it)
NarratorZ1 It worked,thanks