IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
NarratorZ Good evening everyone🥳
RN good $DAYPART to you NarratorZ
NarratorZ My i2p http proxy network speed doubled after ssu2 mass enabling
RN :)
RN 2.0.0!!!!!!!!!!
NarratorZ The effect of this upgrade can indeed be called great🎉🎉🎉
NarratorZ Yeah, a new beginning8-)
T3s|4 NarratorZ: indeed, and I hope the rest of network transitions to 2.0.0 rapidly, so we all can the benefits of SSU2
dr|z3d it's going to take a few days, T3s|4, judging by the number of 2.0 routers in my netdbs.
T3s|4 yup dr|z3d, it always does, and I'm only seeing 35 routers ATM
dr|z3d I've got about twice that registered here, T3s|4. maybe slightly more.
RN 68 and 79 here
dr|z3d high 80's here. and climbing.
RN mmm... that's pool party weather
RN i2pd releases aren't tied to the java ones at all are they? Are they at v 2.0.0 also? no topic in their channel.
dr|z3d they use the same api versioning.
dr|z3d 0.9.56 is current. otherwise their own versioning.
dr|z3d what up snowflakes
snowflakes for now. like all fine. thanks. you?
dr|z3d not bad thanks. good to see you. did you manage to dodge the draft? :)
snowflakes nope. i studying for now in 'fazanka'
snowflakes do you know 'glasslinger'?
dr|z3d so you managed to dodge the draft then.. "dodge the draft" = "not be a soldier for putin" :)
snowflakes restoring a tv set
snowflakes i dont want be a soldier. but my old 'kamrad' from my childtime are soldier of the man
albat hey dr|z3d :)
albat i updated to the last i2p+
albat what's new with 2.0?
albat what is SSU2?
NarratorZ Good evening,Guys!👋
T3s|4 dr|z3d: I'm interested to learn why my is showing significantly less 0.9.56 routers than yours?
T3s|4 I'm at ^80, right now
dr|z3d hi T3s|4, albat, NarratorZ
dr|z3d albat: ssu2 is new udp protocol. check zzz's post about it.
dr|z3d T3s|4: if you're in hidden mode, your router will know less peers.
dr|z3d in essence, the more part tunnels you're hosting, the higher your known peer count will be over time. or you can reach the same or higher known peers running as a floodfill.
dr|z3d and uptime is the other variable. the long your router is up, the more peers it's likely to know.
dr|z3d fast router hosting almost 5K part tunnels sees ~170 0.9.56 routers right now.
dr|z3d >> I2P+ 2.0.0+ update now available as a torrent. Please seed if you can, ideally until 2.1.0+ :) Thanks! tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?action=Download&id=67352 <<
dr|z3d >> Universal I2P+ 2.0.0+ installer > tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?action=Download&id=67353 .. Please seed until 2.1.0+ if you can! Thanks! <<
dr|z3d >> I2P+ I2PSnark Standalone 2.0.0+ now available as a torrent. Please seed until 2.1.0+ if you can. Thanks! tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?action=Download&id=67354 <<
dr|z3d the other thing to note, T3s|4, is that 2.0.0+ does more to scale down the effort made by the exploratory search to find new peers the more peers you have.
T3s|4 thanks dr|z3d - ^that makes sense, and ofc, I will help seed 'things' :D
dr|z3d thanks T3s|4, I count you as one of the reliable seeders :)
LxGHTNxNG should I start seeding?
dr|z3d if you want to help I2P+, it would be appreciated.
LxGHTNxNG is it bad to have high maximal bandwidths and low share ratios? (back on topic) should the torrent client run as the same rôle account as i2p+?
dr|z3d if you want to limit bandwidth used by your router, my recommendation is to set the bandwidth high and limit the number of participating tunnels instead.
dr|z3d re torrent client, easiest for seeing I2P+ is to use I2PSnark if you're running I2P+
dr|z3d *seeding
dr|z3d so bandwidth wise, in and out as per isp values, share at 80%, and then throttle with the router.maxParticipatingTunnels config.
dr|z3d a good place to start is router.maxParticipatingTunnels=2000
dr|z3d because you can change that value without restarting the router, you can get a good idea of how many tunnels you want to route.
dr|z3d and to answer the other part of your question, traffic routed for others creates cover traffic to mask your own router's activities. so the more you can share the better.
LxGHTNxNG dr|z3d: I want to limit total monthly traffic.
dr|z3d start lower with the part tunnel cap, then increase until you're happy with the average usage.
dr|z3d I don't know how much data you want to use, but start with 1000 part tunnels and see where that gets you.
LxGHTNxNG I have 1TB I can just fritter away.
LxGHTNxNG well, 900GB.
LxGHTNxNG per month.
dr|z3d if you're making adjusts to the router config on the fly, you probably want to add the line: routerconsole.advanced=true to your router.config and then you can adjust the configs directly on /configadvanced
LxGHTNxNG i just might
dr|z3d it'll take up to a minute for that config to take hold, then you should see a congestion section in the sidepanel which indicates advanced mode.
dr|z3d also recommended: routerconsole.showPeerTestAvg=true
dr|z3d that'll show you the average time a peer test takes to complete (succeeded / failed) in the congestion section.
dr|z3d the success or failure of that test will determine whether peers are rated as fast on /profiles
dr|z3d parabp you reprobate!
parabo itsjustme dr|z3d RN albat LxGHTNxNG
parabo reprobate?
dr|z3d you heard me right :)
parabo What you up to dr|z3d ?
dr|z3d post-release stuff, keeping an eye on reddit etc.
parabo dr|z3d: Do you need a laptop?
dr|z3d lightly cajoling I2P+ users to seed the torrents, you know..
parabo I need to unload some hardware I upgraded. If you have a intermediate who can anonymously receive from me and deliver to you a laptop... I can send one
dr|z3d a laptop sounds nice, but there's no way to get it to me because anonymity, parabo. :|
parabo Maybe you know someone semi far away to hide yourself?
dr|z3d semi far away. haha. ok, I'll have a think. thanks.
parabo looking for a job is fun when you have hand
parabo They call you and you're like I don't want this job, sorry
dr|z3d have hands, want job.
parabo it's a Seinfeld reference
parabo having hand is having the upper hand in a relationship
dr|z3d gotcha.
LxGHTNxNG hi parabo
dr|z3d and the upper hand being the 1/2 bill in the bank?
dr|z3d or what that part of your fantasy land excursion, the whole elon musk thing?
LxGHTNxNG i do hope not
parabo how are you LxGHTNxNG ?
LxGHTNxNG parabo: pondering running a hyperlocal root
albat hey RN :3
RN aloha albat
itsjustme Hey parabo
LxGHTNxNG huh, the web console seems to have shat itself. I have to zoom out to 30% on Firefox to save my bandwidth settings
LxGHTNxNG (I'm on what claims to be 1.9.0-0+)
LxGHTNxNG > Classified as slow: Yes
LxGHTNxNG So do I just shoot the router in the head, mark it down in my svscan, unzip .i2p/, and then mark the service up in the svscan?
LxGHTNxNG or is even that stuff unnecessary?
RN time
RN imho, time
RN what is this about zoom and bandwidth?
RN io