IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
itsjustme how long have you not been working?
RN I've been off work since October 2021
itsjustme oh nice
RN yes and no
itsjustme its nice to not have the stress from work but it also sucks not having money
RN yep
RN exactly
RN at least I don't worry about food
itsjustme thats good ;)
RN nice man-bun
itsjustme you have a man-bun?
RN naw, your smiley does
dr|z3d ok, new /dev/ build up.. if you were running the last one with the borked sidepanel refresh, this one's definitely for you.
dr|z3d if you weren't, this one has (hopefully) fully functional sidebar section collapsibles for the dark and classic themes.
dr|z3d collapsible sidebar sections in the latest /dev/ build now functioning broadly as intended. next phase will be to add count/summary badges to the relevant collapsed section headers as per service tunnels. feel free to take it for a spin and let me know what you think!
T3s|4 dr|z3d: ^noted, and nice!
dr|z3d thanks T3s|4.. you running it now?
dr|z3d great stuff. more enhancements to follow.
T3s|4 ack :D
dr|z3d nice and responsive for you? no lag?
T3s|4 dr|z3d: no noticeable lag(s) at all
dr|z3d perfect, T3s|4
dr|z3d just finishing off the info badges on collapse section headers for peers, congestion, tunnels.
itsjustme Hello :)
dr|z3d heyhey itsjustme
itsjustme How are you today dr|z3d?
dr|z3d not bad, thanks, itsjustme. relieved I've more or less completed the heavy lifting on a new I2P+ console feature. you?
itsjustme That's good :D
AmyMalik Computer, activate iguana.
itsjustme I'm doing alright
AmyMalik *** materializes ***
AmyMalik hello itsjustme
itsjustme Hey AmyMalik
dr|z3d yeah, very good. took a few days to put it all together.
dr|z3d and a fair amount of head scratching.
T3s|4 lols dr|z3d - I almost never find those TIL moments unpleasant ;p
dr|z3d TIL, T3s|4?
T3s|4 TIL = Today I Learned ;p
itsjustme Hows your head? Have friction burns?
AmyMalik what did I miss while I was ethereal?
dr|z3d funny, itsjustme
dr|z3d ok, T3s|4, phase 3 of the sidebar overhaul now on /dev/
dr|z3d relevant section headings now have badges.
dr|z3d (when section is collapsed)
itsjustme Thank you dr|z3d. I'll be here all day
dr|z3d chocolate star for you.
T3s|4 lols AmyMalik, pretty sure SBF has been purely ethereal (in his own criminal, yet self-rationalized not guilty mind). WTF? It's only $11 BILLION...and I'm sorry (tm) ;p
AmyMalik T3s|4: you win the utterly irrelevant award for the year
dr|z3d SBF. destined not to be remembered like JFK.
T3s|4 AmyMalik: ^except for those pesky millions of (individuals, corporations and pension funds) that lost money to the FTX/Alameda Research/FTT 100% FELONY and CONSPIRACY FRAUD!!!
AmyMalik you type like kibo.
T3s|4 AmyMalik: I have no idea who or what a kibo is; I just know SBF is the super-sized iteration of both Bernard Lawrence Madoff AND MtGox, combined
AmyMalik I have heard about FTX being put into administration.
T3s|4 AmyMalik: wow, you apparently are a 'super-close' news follower! Oh, but: you really ^meant, FTX (and its affiliated companies) were ALL placed under Bankruptcy Administration under Bahamian law. SBF cannot even move $1 now without Bankruptcy Court application and approval.
AmyMalik You sound like you just swigged 2 bang energies.
T3s|4 nah AmyMalik, to me, it just sounds like I a read a LOT ;p
AmyMalik keep telling yourself that.
AmyMalik I tend towards laconism, though I've been known to launch into verbosity at times.
dr|z3d ok, more /dev/ bugs squashed, new build will be uploaded in a couple of minutes from now.
RN lol, y'all amuse us
dr|z3d Blinded message
parabo dr|z3d RN itsjustme AmyMalik albat_
parabo dr|z3d: I'm learning Phantom
itsjustme Hey parabo!
parabo Hey itsjustme
parabo what's up?
itsjustme parabo: not to much. How about you?
albat hey dudes :)
itsjustme Hey albat :)