IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
itsjustme Not to much atm
itsjustme Kinda tired. You?
itsjustme parabol: good :)
parabol itsjustme: WYD
itsjustme parabol: thinking about going to bed
RN Now available at toy stores near you: Furry Barbie!
RN no joke
RN they come with furry outfit and mascot style head
RN didn't see a furry ken though
parabol itsjustme is a furry
parabol he likes furry men
itsjustme They call them bears
parabol shut up itsjustme
RN don't pick on him or he will shed all over your apple gear
itsjustme My bear bf will crush you!
itsjustme He left:(
RN chickenshit
RN lol
parabo pickledick
RN hehehe
parabo RN wanna taste my pickle?
RN Pickle Rick!
RN nom nom nom
itsjustme Mmmm lol
itsjustme *** screams as all the blood ***
parabo RN what you doing?
parabo I'm watching a docuseries about a serial killer
parabo RightNow: what are you doing?
RightNow not getting my nick back
RightNow and building some iso burning apps
RightNow I am re-watching 'the stand'
parabo You shouldn't pirate things RightNow
RightNow I r not pirate it
parabo I am a pirate
RightNow watching on legit streaming ap
RightNow me too
RightNow but this I am watching legit
parabo I actually don't pirate anything
RightNow no you just have the eyepatch and a beard
parabo I just do without things that I can't afford
parabo I have Peacock, Netflix, and YouTube Premium right now
parabo I usually also have CraveTV but I am broke
RightNow I have netflix hbomax paramount prime and a few others plus cable
RightNow wonder why my nick is stuck, I don't see a ghost
dr|z3d try /msg nickserv release RN <password>
RN thanks dr... been a while since I had to mess with nickserv
dr|z3d if you're on the I2P+ /dev/ update stream, 2.0.0-5+ now built and uploaded.
dr|z3d as per zzz, "-5 with another round of SSU2 fixes and improvements"
parabo RN: PIKA PIKA!
parabo itsjustme
itsjustme Hey parabo
parabo I am in my room
parabo with CoCo
itsjustme How's he doing?
parabo he's good
itsjustme Good :)
itsjustme How many birds do you have now?
RN PikaChooooo!
dr|z3d parabo: i2pchat. you got it running yet?
dr|z3d also, 2.0.0.-5+?
parabo dr|z3d: no i2pchat
parabo I don't want more apps
parabo dr|z3d: have you ever tried Framsticks?
parabo you should play with Framsticks
dr|z3d what is it?
parabo artificial life evolution simulator
parabo it's been around for decades
parabo small neural networks, genetic algorithms, very minimal building blocks for body composition, super basic physics system
dr|z3d oh, I may have glanced at it many moons ago.
parabo it's a cool novelty isn't it?
dr|z3d lots of cool research tools out there.
parabo dr|z3d: take me home, country roads... to a place - I BELONG
dr|z3d west vagina, eh, parabo
parabo get your mind out of the gutter
dr|z3d sorry, typo.
RN loo loo loo
parabol hi RN
parabol what up?
albat hey RN :3
albat hi parabol :)
albat nothing much
RN just sitting here lookin' like this
parabol hi albat
parabol RN: That's gangster
parabol RN, have you heard of ChatGPT?
RN no. what is it?
parabol It's an AGI chatbot
RN ah, yes
RN you play with it?
parabol Well my insanity inspired it
parabol I achieved something while being insane
parabol the ideas and theory being my delusions actually got used
parabol *behind
parabol that's pretty interesting
RN delusions and good ideas are independant things
Ellenor *** pops like a pierced balloon from perplexia ***