IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d salutations, albat
dr|z3d what up Reinhilde
Reinhilde help me make the most of freedom and of pleasure // nothing ever lasts forever // everybody wants to rule the world
dr|z3d sorry I asked.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: 7+ didn't hang around long enough to even learn to walk ;p
dr|z3d zzz fixed a fairly serious SSU2 bug which is why 8. and he's pushed various other fixes.
dr|z3d the blocklist wasn't working for SSU, that's also now fixed.
T3s|4 thanks, great - glad zzz found it - and squashed it :D
dr|z3d yeah, there's talk about an intermediate release perhaps, i2pd have one scheduled for January.
dr|z3d speaking of intermediate updates, there are enough SSU2 bug fixes and other stuff to merit an interim I2P+ update for users on the release path (http://skank.i2p/ .. if you are, you'll see an update in your console in the next couple of days that will take you to 2.0.0.-8+.
dr|z3d Don't forget to ctrl+shift+r in your browser after update to load the new assets!
dr|z3d new connection yet, parabo?
parabo whatever
parabo also I missed my apple order because I didn't have ID they accept, so that's bullshit
parabo I have nothing
dr|z3d you mean from the courier?
dr|z3d and what does whatever mean re new fiber connection?
dr|z3d <parabol> I am getting a 250Mbit up/down with static IP and no NAT or uPNP or firewall, unlimited data, for $50, today
dr|z3d or you meant you were ordering the service yesterday?
parabo Yeah, I placed all those orders as I was talking about them
parabo Ventura voice dictation allows IRC audio out and in for chatting while I do stuff
parabo So I literally chat without the IRC window visible and no keyboard
parabo itsjustme
itsjustme Hey parabo