IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
Afkaid I have updated my router to the last dev build about 2 hours ago, and now I find the bandwidth pretty low
dr|z3d transient network conditions probably, Afkaid.
Afkaid looks better now
Afkaid no really in fact.. :-/
Afkaid the sybil attack is still running ?
dr|z3d most probably, yes. not sure it's a sybil attack per se, may just be resource exhaustion attack.
dr|z3d aka DoS.
Afkaid Is there anything we can do as a user ?
Afkaid force floodfill on or whatever ?
dr|z3d as a user you can look to get as many new users onto the network as possible. and give them a means to hang around by creating content worth viewing :)
Afkaid Yeah... Not easy to bring people here... I tried...
Afkaid MuWire was a good reason, easy userfriendly, but now if it is not maintained anymore, I cannot really advise it to people
dr|z3d well, don't give up trying! :)
Afkaid People are made dumb with GAFAM, smartphones and such...
Afkaid If the software have more than 2 step to install, they give up
Afkaid most of them don't even go to the options section of software
Afkaid they just want a clic to get to the store, another to install, and finish
Afkaid even torrent and p2p has become a geek niche
Afkaid most people only use direct download
Afkaid or shit like netflix
Afkaid Well, I'm a bit disillusioned...
dr|z3d about?
Afkaid people and computers
dr|z3d plow your own field, let other people do theirs :)
Afkaid but the use of computers is massive, and everywhere
Afkaid bad habits have consequences
Afkaid on politics, social and so on
Afkaid surveillance capitalism really scared me
Afkaid and can push to something else, much worse
StormyCloud /set "${}"
StormyCloud lol ignore that