IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d ok, new feature in latest dev build, only enabled in the dark theme for now.. tier counter on the peers connection tables.
dr|z3d will give you a live counter for b/w tier, ff and unreachable connections.
dr|z3d peers connection tables also now feature (fixed) sticky column sorting.
dr|z3d and y2kboy's issue with pages loading slow should hopefully be remediated.
dr|z3d ok, all themes now have /peers tier counter enabled. and new! view profile/edit peer buttons on the /peers tables.
NULL dr|z3d, that's whats up!!
dr|z3d shizzle dizzle, NULL!
dr|z3d oh, he left.
dr|z3d shizzle dizzle, NULL!
RN oh, he left.
RN shizzy whizzy dr
dr|z3d sup RN
RN just chillin after a long 24 hours
RN evading lea was part of what made it a drag
RN but mission was accomplished and no property or persons were detained
dr|z3d great!
T3s|4 lols RN - from my POV, every day that does not involve adorning silver bracelets is an excellent day :)
RN indeed T3s|4, indeed
RN but contact was just a bit too close for comfort
RN don't get the wrong idea, I'm not a criminal, nor was I doing anything even remotely questionable
RN just too much bad history with lea
RN and they were trying to mess with one of mine
T3s|4_ I know that 'too close' feeling - and it's horrible
NULL dr|z3d, is there still development on I2PChat?
dr|z3d it works, NULL, what more do you want? :)
dr|z3d that said, patches always welcome.
NULL Was trying to explain to someone that it functions just fine, but the lack of updates concerned them regarding its use case so I was just curious
dr|z3d someone needs to invest the time into providing updates or patches. it works, it's worked since around 2012. it got renovated a couple of years ago.
dr|z3d there's an obvious set of features that are ripe for development, some exposed in the config section of the UI but grayed out. feel free to find someone to code them :)
NULL I would check more into it myself if I understood C++, but it works for me in its current state so can't complain to much
shiver hei, dr|z3d i saw you create a new design for zzz.i2p can you also help zzz remove the email field from the registration page or is that more complex :D
dr|z3d new tier counter on /peers table.
shiver oh neat
dr|z3d if the field isn't a required field, easy enough to remove it.
dr|z3d if, however, the server/platform expects that field not to be blank, then that's something zzz needs to look at in the code.
dr|z3d whether zzz chooses to deploy the new design is another matter. but it's done, anyways. pr3t6cjlcth36djl3qgnfaollcvcs2kbzigzon6derjzjghttp4q.b32.i2p
dr|z3d itsjustme!!!!!!!
dr|z3d i2pd crashed and you didn't notice...
dr|z3d apparently it's still unstable, new point release coming soon.
shiver in the description it says the email can be a fake one but registration with for example mail.i2p or gmail doesn't work, hotmail did the trick
shiver so it's more a code thing and not simple
dr|z3d sounds about right.
shiver maybe add information on that page which provider do work
shiver because people only get errors without and need to search
dr|z3d take that up with zzz :)
shiver yeah, was just thinking out loud :D
dr|z3d well think out loud in #i2p-dev, that's where your thoughts will resonate :)
dr|z3d (or not)
dr|z3d not_bob_afk got excited about the new design in -dev and not a squeak from zzz, but he's busy trying to save the network right now :)
shiver do i just need to pm eche for voice?
dr|z3d don't pm echelon for anything. (best advice)
shiver yes, thats also why i'm hesitant to bother him which something so trivial
shiver *with
dr|z3d you have to choose your moment :)
dr|z3d time it wrong, it won't be well received.
shiver why is tht? never get an answer? xD
shiver *that
shiver do i need to bring flowers?
dr|z3d chocalates, whisky and hookers.
shiver thank you for asking about voice
dr|z3d *chocolates
dr|z3d he'll voice you in time, worry not.
dr|z3d also, if you want to add an avatar to your zzz profile, enable javascript and you can make it happen.
dr|z3d (file upload only works with js)
itsjustme Hey dr|z3d
dr|z3d hey itsjustme!!!
dr|z3d long time.. i2pd crashola?
dr|z3d still unstable, as you may have noticed. point release due soon to fix.
dr|z3d we missed you. and cake :)
dr|z3d anyways, hope's all's good with you?
itsjustme Hey dr|z3d
itsjustme Can you see me?
shiver oh, that's why cake was down :D
dr|z3d hey we can see you itsjustme
dr|z3d check your server clock is good.
itsjustme Anyone see me?
itsjustme Anyone?
dr|z3d YES. WE SEE YOU.
itsjustme Hellloooooooo
itsjustme Is this thing on?
itsjustme dr|z3d: !!!
itsjustme I'm on i2p+ atm
itsjustme On my rpi
dr|z3d itsjustme!!!
itsjustme My vps is still on i2pd
itsjustme Yeah was being a pain
dr|z3d good call, though make sure you're on the latest dev build.
dr|z3d go to /configupdate, see the unsigned url update path to skank.i2p/dev/ .. ensure that option's checked, save, hit check for updates.
dr|z3d -0+ was a bit buggy, mostly for firewalled routers.
dr|z3d performing ok?
dr|z3d yeah, still is unstable, new release in a day or so should fix.
dr|z3d (i2pd)
itsjustme I could get irc messages but couldn't send for a while
dr|z3d network's been under attack for the last couple of months.
dr|z3d so definitely get on the latest I2P+ dev build right now!
dr|z3d wb itsjustme
dr|z3d updated?
XANA so what's new?
dr|z3d -9+ is new.
dr|z3d itsjustme: all good? receiving, over?
XANA im still on old version too many updates fast
dr|z3d you want to keep up at the moment, attack mitigations coming thick and fast.
dr|z3d -9+ is current.
XANA im at 2.1.0-6+
itsjustme Hey dr|z3d
itsjustme Hey XANA
dr|z3d wb, itsjustme
dr|z3d -9+ you want to be on, some new attack mitigations.
dr|z3d including a new connection throttler from zzz.
dr|z3d ordinarily I'd suggest updating whenever you feel like it, but with the recent network attacks, it's better to be ahead of the game, both for your router and the network.
dr|z3d same goes for your I2P+ router, itsjustme! -9+
itsjustme I'm still having major issues
itsjustme it seems
dr|z3d on i2pd or i2p+ ?