IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
Afkaid Hello
Afkaid Something happened to the network during the last 10 or 12 hours ?
Afkaid I have many "Watchdog warning" in the events log
Afkaid Many "ERROR[...terWatchdog] ...anagerFacadeImpl: Client [xxxxxx] has LeaseSet that expired (x)h ago" in the "Service (wrapper) log"
Afkaid Many errors too in the "Router Logs"
Afkaid I have many things like that in the router logs :
Afkaid WARN [ NTCP Pumper] …ntcp.EventPumper: Blocking IP address (Count: 1) ➜ [NTCP2] Connection [ID 1245]
Afkaid • From: [Unknown] ➜ Not established
Afkaid • Created: 6s ago; Last message sent: 6s ago; Last message received: 6s ago
Afkaid • Messages sent: 0; Messages received: 0
Afkaid • IO Error: Connection reset
T3s|4 Afkaid: never a problem to check for updates, grab it and restart your router
T3s|4 Let us know if similar issues exist
Afkaid I have already updated
Afkaid things seems to be better now but i have been disconnected for many hours
T3s|4 Afkaid: good to hear, but if similar issues resurface, please share the log errors with dr|z3d
dr|z3d looks normal those logs, Afkaid, well, mostly. WARN level logs you can ignore.
Afkaid yeah, but I have been disconnected for several hours
dr|z3d looks like a leaseset issue, could be a side effect of attack of the killer floodfills.
Afkaid I had many leaseset related message, yes
dr|z3d not running I2P on the same ip as a Tor exit?
Afkaid I do not run any Tor exit
dr|z3d disconnected persumably meaning disconnected from IRC.. the router remained up?
Afkaid I was disconnected from IRC yes
Afkaid And the router was still up, yes
Afkaid but I had many leaseset messages comming from the taskbar, and I had to restart it
dr|z3d ok, if that happens again, just restart the irc client tunnel. might have been a result of an attack, unresponsive floodfills.
Afkaid I was disconnected from everything
Afkaid torrent and so on, all services
Afkaid Only the I2P web UI was running, I guess
dr|z3d anything requiring a leaseset needs to talk to floodfills regularly to renew it.
dr|z3d if the floodfills are playing up, possible issues. I2P+ bans as many bad ffs as it can find, but it can't get all of them.
Afkaid You speak a bit like martian to me, but ok ^^
dr|z3d then you need to visit the glossary page in your console :)
Afkaid yeah :$
dr|z3d the helps there for exactly people like you so I don't have to explain myself every time.
Afkaid Btw, I'll tell you if it happens again
Afkaid yeah, I understand
dr|z3d what is? consult the glossary...
dr|z3d y2kboy23: hihi. hopefully that slow page load issue you reported has been fixed. let me know!
Afkaid I don't understand...
Afkaid does I2P need other ports than the tcp and udp filled in the /confignet to work ?
y2kboy23 dr|z3d I was going report that all of those pages a fast again. Thanks!
Afkaid Does it need https out or something like that ?
Afkaid or DNS, or NTP...
Afkaid (I'm trying to harden my firewall configuration)
Afkaid ok, found infos here : /help/faq :s There should be what I'm looking for...
dr|z3d Afkaid: the only port you normally need to open on your firewall is the tcp/udp port indicated on /confignet
Afkaid That doesn't work well this way
Afkaid It lacks something outbound
dr|z3d outbound ports are normally open
Afkaid I was trying to close everything except needed ones
dr|z3d y2kboy23: great!
dr|z3d you (and indeed anyone else running a tor exit) should be aware that we're now blocking routers sitting on tor exit node ips, to get ahead of possible attacks using Tor.
dr|z3d the blocklist can be disabled if required, info on the /help/advancedsettings page.
dr|z3d Afkaid: read up on dynamic port allocation, it'll save you some hassle.
dr|z3d tldr: don't block outgoing ports, block incoming ports.