IRCaBot 2.1.0
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T3s|4 dr|z3d: as another data point, -16+ is running as expected, with clear logs, on Win 11
dr|z3d great, thanks for the report, T3s|4
T3s|4 np :D
Tareen hello
dr|z3d hi Tareen
dr|z3d you're right, thanks for pointing that out. in the meantime, would you like a link that works? :)
Tareen sure !
dr|z3d that's 2.2.0+ in all but name.
Tareen i prefer stay in i2p
Tareen i will wait, no problem
dr|z3d for the version you were originally wanting to download, try this torrent link then: tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?action=Download&id=67354
Tareen thanks
dr|z3d should be a 2.2.0+ release in the next day or so.
Tareen ok nice
dr|z3d nice? as in new version, or you've got it up and running? :)
Tareen for new version
dr|z3d ok. you used i2p+ snark before?
dr|z3d ok. and "normal" i2psnark?
Tareen not stanalone
dr|z3d ok, if you've used i2p+ before, you'll be familiar. if not, then I guess a few pleasant surprises are coming your way :)
dr|z3d let us know how you find it :)
dr|z3d also, on a different note, you may wish to register your nick, gets you auto-voice here and maybe other channels.
dr|z3d > /msg nickserv register yourpassword (or real @mail.i2p address for password recovery)
Tareen I will see that later
dr|z3d as you wish.
dr|z3d Tareen2: also, /msg nickserv help group .. once you've registered your nick.
Tareen thanks
Tareen I want to get back to vanilla i2p with the new update, but it doesn't work
dr|z3d you'll have to give me more info, not sure what you've done.
Tareen I have seen the news about 2.2.0 out, so i decide to update, it detect the update but don't download it
Tareen i was on the i2p+ dev branch
dr|z3d why would you want to revert? :)
dr|z3d if you're on the dev branch of i2p+, you're already more or less on 2.2.0+
Tareen i don't need all the fancy stuffs
dr|z3d just drop this file in your app or config dir and restart to revert to vanilla:
Tareen eyedeekay talks to me about "update news" URL that can be the problem, but I can't find it in the i2p+ UI
dr|z3d I2P+ is more than just a different UI.
dr|z3d better network performance, generally. but anyways, that file I just linked will take you back to vanilla.
Tareen it is the same as this one ? :
dr|z3d the news URL should be fine, regardless. if you've got the new version news on /home then it's working as intended.
dr|z3d should be the same.
Tareen yes, I have the actual news
dr|z3d then it's likely an I2P+ feature that's preventing auto-update to vanilla.
Tareen but the website said :
Tareen I2P+ does not interfere in any way with the normal I2P update process. When a new official release is made available, you can easily restore your installation to vanilla I2P by installing the update.
dr|z3d that probably needs revising, as people were complaining that auto-update installed vanilla updates. but a manual install of the zip file will work just fine.
Tareen perhaps i will get back to i2p+ later
Tareen when i would have seen what is better for me
dr|z3d I suspect you probably will, sooner than you imagine :)
Tareen for now, I don't really see what it gives to me
Tareen exept the UI
dr|z3d well, that's the thing about non-UI stuff. it isn't really visible unless you read commit logs :)
dr|z3d So many differences it's hard to summarize, but in brief, you get more responsive local tunnels, more aggressive anti-attack mitigations..
dr|z3d auto-updating pages for dynamic content, optional reverse lookups for peers..
Tareen it worked
Tareen vanilla UI is far more responsive on my old computer
dr|z3d you probably want to use the classic theme in that case, if you're using I2P+
dr|z3d built for older/slower computers.
Tareen ok ! didn't see that !
dr|z3d much faster on slow systems.
Tareen i was on "night theme", something like that, i guess
dr|z3d midnight
Tareen perhaps i will backswitchback to i2p+ to test this classic theme then
dr|z3d but yeah, if the theme you're using in i2p+ isn't responsive enough, classic theme wins every time :)
dr|z3d and maybe the zilvero theme for i2psnark if you want even faster.
Tareen i was assuming they were resource equivalent, just cosmetics
dr|z3d not even close.
dr|z3d I mean, cosmetics is a big topic.
Tareen yes sure
dr|z3d on a slower system, some of the cosmetics will slow it down, like multiple layered backgrounds for elements, box shadows etc.
dr|z3d that's why classic exists.
dr|z3d cosmetically it doesn't look so different from the light theme, but it runs much faster.
Tareen perhaps i will get back to i2p+ then
dr|z3d if you know css you can also modify existing themes to your liking with the override.css mechanism.
Tareen i am not coder
dr|z3d ok. you have some example override.css files you can play with. I'd recommend copying override_Sora.css from console/themes/dark to whichever theme you're using and rename to override.css
dr|z3d that implements alternative fonts for the console. can also be copied to webapp theme folders if you want the same font everywhere.
dr|z3d don't like it? just delete the override.css file and refresh browser. gone!
Tareen why not trying
Tareen I have to go
dr|z3d laters o/
tisratil7 so I went to my phone setting thinking I could use the proxy but that option disappeared 😅
dr|z3d you need a browser that supports addons, tisratil7. android ain't great in that regard, but some browsers do.
dr|z3d I2P+ 2.2.0+ update now available from postman's tracker -> Torrent: tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?action=Download&id=69271 .. Please seed for as long as you can, ideally until 2.3.0+! Thanks!
dr|z3d I2P+ 2.2.0+ update now available from postman's tracker -> Torrent: tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?action=Download&id=69271 .. Please seed for as long as you can, ideally until 2.3.0+! Thanks!
dr|z3d >>> I2P+ 2.2.0+ update now available from postman's tracker -> Torrent: tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?action=Download&id=69271 .. Please seed for as long as you can, ideally until 2.3.0+! Thanks! <<<