IRCaBot 2.1.0
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mildseven hmmm i receive the same message when trying to stop it now
dr|z3d cookies enabled?
dr|z3d also, if you've restarted the router and not refreshed the page you'll get that error on first attempt.
RN (are you managing more than one router in that browser?)
mildseven i have no idea what's causing it sometimes
RN do you have some kind of cookie manager or blocking policy?
mildseven i thought it was a ff extension but i've re-enabled them all and the webserver tunnel is stopping/starting fine
RN I'd focus on the ones that affect cookies
RN also a quick temp fix to try is changing for localhost - sometimes that helps
mildseven i might just leave the cookie extension disabled
RN as long as you aren't using multiple routers in the same ff
dr|z3d if your cookie extension is auto-deleting cookies when you leave the console, that's fine.
dr|z3d if you restart the router with the old session cookie still active, you'll see that error unless you refresh the page first after a router restart.
mildseven yeh it's an auto-delete cookie extension... i have added to the whitelist so it should be preserving them
dr|z3d shouldn't be a problem.
dr|z3d my guess is a stale cookie issue.
mildseven thanks for your help
dr|z3d sure thing.. did you resolve the "can't find the b32 issue" the other day?
mildseven oh yes i did.. i realised you can copy the address from the tunnel manager index page
mildseven even tho it doesn't show its full length
mildseven in the preview column
dr|z3d yeah, the ellipsis (...) is a css thing, the full b32 is there. but you've also got the full b32 if you toggle the view.
dr|z3d (with the + symbol in the global control header)
mildseven oh yes that works too :) thanks for that
dr|z3d if you want an addresshelper link, either the tunnel name or website hostname fields will cause one to be created on the index if they have a valid hostname.i2p syntax.
dr|z3d you can use that for non-published/public services you want to easily add to susidns.
dr|z3d that is, assuming you're on a recent dev build.
mildseven i'm on 2.2.0-5+
dr|z3d ideal
dr|z3d so either name or website hostname fields in the config section for the tunnel to mildseven.i2p for example, and you'll get an icon on the index page (address helper link).. you can click that to add the hostname to your addressbook, or copy the link to share.
mildseven yeah i changed the hostname to mildseven.i2p
mildseven i can see the address helper link :)
dr|z3d *thumbs up*
mildseven now i just have to think of something to publish on the web lol
mildseven i was just looking at hugo
mildseven seems fairly straight forward
dr|z3d if you want something even more straightforward, there's eyedeekay's railroad plugin.
mildseven where can i find that?
dr|z3d should be linked from there.
orignal will idk.i2p be new zzz.i2p?
mesh we should probably learn from our mistakes and develop a decentralized forum so a big pmountain of knowledge can't go up in smoke
orignal where can I see your decentralized forum?
mesh orignal: I was thinking we could use yours
orignal I don't have any decentralized forums
mesh curses
mesh well there goes that idea
NULL What happened with zzz.i2p?
orignal same as with zzz hilself
NULL He just vanish?
orignal decided to take a break
NULL Ahhh, okay was curious what had happened
orignal nobody knows the reasons
NULL Hopefully he just needed some time to himself and nothing serious happened
NULL I'm sure those recent attacks took a toll on him with him trying to constantly mitigate and make improvements to stop the attack
opal nntp is a decentralised forum
RN Syndie is also a distributed form, or rather lots of them
dr|z3d syndie is crap. nice idea, shit implementation.
dr|z3d the fact it hasn't seen any significant work for ~15 years doesn't help.
RN yeah the implementation needs a lot, it was more or less beta, but then I2P was considered beta in many ways till 1.0.0
RN words words