IRCaBot 2.1.0
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uop23ip How well is i2psnark integrated into the browser? Is there something like one click on magnet link and snark starts and opens up a window with the content?
uop23ip so to say: opens up the folder with a index.html ofa mirrored site or stream a video of the torrent?
dr|z3d uop23ip: currently it's a copy and paste affair by default, re snark.
uop23ip dr|z3d, is it more from the browser site or not so needed as a .torrent download into the snark folder does the same?
dr|z3d you can download a .torrent file to your snark folder, sure.
dr|z3d there's no default handler for .torrent or .magnet files.
dr|z3d you can probably find a browser addon that lets you configure where files are download based on file extension.
uop23ip Irc there is a open with dialog for torrents where i can parse to snark. What i like to see is a video stream from the torrent in the browser. That wuold make postman a kind of tube, i think.
RN that's a lot of compliated parts uop23ip are you going to code that by yourself?
uop23ip Nope just puzzle if something with less effort is possible. Peertube on i2p is far away i guess. If it works now to do that or with a little config, would be nice to have/do.
uop23ip click with open up - parse works irc with firefox-esr. just to lazy to try at the moment as i surf with netsurf
eyedeekay I2PIPB turns it into one click uop23ip
eyedeekay For magnet, anyway
eyedeekay For .torrent IIRC it's a right-click affair still
uop23ip In the i2psnark window i confirm the torrent and begin to download. If click on it, it points to folder on my disk where i can click on the video file and hopefully let it play in the browser.
eyedeekay There are also in browser previews in i2psnark
dr|z3d I vaguely recall zzz doing a handler for magnets/torrents that copied the url into the add torrent field.
uop23ip eyedeekay, yes the addon was adding the feature. Thanks
uop23ip How many clicks that were. 1 magnet, 1 start download, 1 click to point to file/folder, play. Many clicks.
uop23ip But even if i2psnark/i2pbaddon have the ability to reduce by 2 with auto download if parsed by addon and auto openfolder in tab. It all comes down how the browser will handle the constantly download and so updated file on the disk. Muwire had some sequencial? reading which would allow faster preview of the video. Has torrent something like that, too?
uop23ip the browser/videoplayer
eyedeekay You can select download sequentially in snark yes
uop23ip better to have only on file in robust/streamable format, for testing i guess.