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end50 I'm surprised other people don't talk here often, or maybe I'm just online at bad times.
NULL It has its moments, this channel is mainly a support channel for i2p+
NULL #i2p and #i2p-chat see a lot more action of regular conversations
end50 I'll lurk there then, lol
NULL Thats where I go as well if I am just looking for more general conversations lol
obscuratus Something rings a bell about an exactly 160 byte garlic message packet. Does this ring a bell with anyone else?
RN #i2p is supposed to be focused on support, so #i2p-chat for general chat
RN (just clarifying)
RN but this place is also very chat friendly
end50 Understood.
RN haven't seen dr complain about idle chat or crazy talk
RN and welcome back end50
end50 Thanks. I'm usually pretty silent when it comes to joining new chats so you'll probably see me in and out every now and then, lurking, but that's rude isn't it?
end50 Is it really fine to idle or am I not supposed to?
RN actually in I2P we don't consider lurking rude
RN most of us idle a lot since we keep our routers on 24/7 and the hardcore of us run a bouncer to stay on irc
RN some people you don't hear from for 6 months until something that interests them comes up
obscuratus How do you set up a bouncer? Do you need something like a VPS?
RN and you may notice in #i2p-chat there's a few who have conversations that have conflicting time zones, so there will be responses to things said yesterday
RN you don't need a vps for a bouncer, you can run it local
RN if like me, you have a dedicated tower that runs your i2p/tor/etc then you run znc (or similar) on that
obscuratus Seems like it defeats the purpose to run it local. I still have to start up and shut down occasionally.
RN I connect from my laptop's irc client to that tower's znc and it is like I never leave irc (with a few blips here and there)
RN some people use irc client on thierr mobile or tablet through bouncer... when not in front of their computer or laptop
RN all inside your LAN
RN running one on a vps is nice though
obscuratus I'm looking for something that will allow me to restart my router without having to shut down IRC.
RN but I can connect to the one on my router box, through custom I2P tunnels to connect to my bouncer... so it works like I'm always on even when away from home base
RN your irc client should reconnect after router restarts
RN but
RN if you are running a bouncer on your vps then it is not using your locally run I2P router anyway
RN you would run I2P there too for the bouncer to connect to on its local host
RN but then, your connection to the vps isn't wrapped in an I2P tunnel, so use somethign like strong enc ssh or something
obscuratus OK, that's what I thought. I didn't know exactly, and was wondering if you could set it up on the IRC server itself somehow.
RN znc docs are pretty clear if you take a look at the intro stuff
RN but
RN yeah, it has to have I2P if you want it connecting to I2P based irc networks
RN and a connection from your irc client to the bouncer
RN though...
RN if your bouncer is on your vps...
RN and you have your local irc client connect through an I2P tunnel to your bouncer running on the vps
RN when you restart your local router
RN your client would disconnect....
RN and eventually when the local router came back up
RN you would get reconnected
RN and get all the messages you missed when your local router was down
RN some people use bouncers run by someone else for that purpose
RN but if you are already talking vpn...
RN run yer own
RN I think str4d has one on I2P. don't remember what is needed to get an account there.
RN but again... always safer to run your own
obscuratus I'm not very confident str4d is keeping his I2P stuff up-to-date. :)
RN yeah, can't speak to that... don't remember the last time I say them speak
RN *saw
obscuratus But, I must admit, his IRC presense is extremely consistent.
RN yeah, he may even have forgotten it running on some vps somewhere
end50 Welcome back dr|z3d!
dr|z3d thanks, end50!
dr|z3d obscuratus: no vps needed for a bouncer.
dr|z3d end50: regarding your earlier question on hosting eepsites, follow best security practices for securing your server and you should be good. no need for a separate vpn.
RN and all caught up
RN I like using more words though
dr|z3d obscuratus: if you're running multiple i2p routers, a bouncer can make cycling between them painless and give you some measure of multi-homing.
end50 dr|z3d: Thing is, I don't have a VPS, yet, so I was thinking of hosting from my own machine instead. I may have misunderstood your answer or you misunderstood my question, either way, I probably will get a VPS before doing any hosting for good.
dr|z3d ideally your primary server (router) connection isn't the one you're restarting regularly.
end50 and plus, my own connection is unreliable anyway.
obscuratus If I don't have an I2P router at another location, it doesn't really met my use case.
dr|z3d end50: for performance and uptime, a vps is preferable, but for a small site, home-hosting works ok.
dr|z3d obscuratus: doesn't need to be another location, just another ip on the network.
RN I hosted from home for years on my little eepsite
end50 Whatever I'll host will be some static webpage anyway so I think that'll do me fine.
dr|z3d for example, if you're running an openwrt router, obscuratus, you can run a minimal i2pd on that just for irc, and also the bouncer to connect to it.
dr|z3d for static content, jetty is totally fine.
end50 Also, I noticed there are a few domain registrars on i2p. What do I go with? inr.i2p or reg.i2p? I think there's more but that's as far as I've looked.
dr|z3d reg.i2p is flavor of the moment.
dr|z3d (jetty is the i2p/i2p+ resident webserver)
obscuratus dr|z3d: Do you recall any discussion between zzz and orignal that mentioned a 160 byte garlic message packet?
dr|z3d jetty out of the box can handle perl/cgi and python when run from the cgi-bin dir, and you can also run some php on it with something like php java bridge.
dr|z3d not offhand, obscuratus
obscuratus OK, thanks.
dr|z3d give me some more context and my memory might be nudged into action :)
obscuratus I'm still poking around how we handle garlic packets, and I keep seeing a 160 byte garlic packet running through the section of code I'm looking at.
obscuratus As a matter of fact, I think it's the only traffic I'm seeing there.
RN orignal, does that sound familiar to you? 160 byte garlic?
obscuratus Isn't orignal on some European time?
RN not sure about timezone, but if the highlite works and he answers later...
dr|z3d I don't think it's a secret that orignal's on north american time.
dr|z3d (or thereabouts)
dr|z3d translate his nick, then figure out where they reside mostly, and you'll be in the right ball park :)
end50 How paranoid and cautious should I be on I2P? Just the same as TOR or such? So far browsing around on I2P has been a bit "comfy" so to say. I like it.
RN be cautious about things you may download
RN be careful what you say about your self, location, i2p-secret-port
dr|z3d separate clearnet and i2p browsing sessions if you're not using the outproxy. set a fallback proxy in your browser to tor in the event the outproxy doesn't work (might take a couple of seconds to initialize on browser start with the foxyproxy addon).
RN trust but verify
RN or tno
RN probably best to treat it like Tor but a lot less asshats on I2P in general
dr|z3d make sure your i2p proxy is setup for new keys on session resume with auto-close on idle.
dr|z3d umatrix is a handy addon to use to ensure only resources hosted on the site are loaded, not clearnet resources etc.
RN disable https everywhere type settings
RN thanks that was a major help!
end50 Why should I seperate DN and clearnet sessions though? Even though I don't use the same browser for them. It's the kind of thing I follow without understanding why exactly.
dr|z3d as long as you're browsing through the outproxy, not so important.
end50 Unlike TOR, outproxies don't get flagged as often, right?
dr|z3d but if you browse .i2p sites using the proxy and clearnet sites direct in the same session, that has the potential to deanonymize you.
end50 At least from what I noticed.
RN I just use different browser profiles
RN one for proxied stuff and one for regular net stuff
dr|z3d I embed a clearnet resource on my .i2p site. you browse to my site using foxyproxy which routes i2p traffic over :4444 and clearnet traffic direct..
RN zap
RN rm-rf level
RN hehe
dr|z3d I then invite *you* to visit attacksite.i2p and see if a request from something other than an outproxy or tor node appears for secretpixel.gif on
RN The Doctor tracks you
RN hehehe
dr|z3d unlike tor, i2p outproxies mostly avoid the bullshit captchas.
RN mostly
end50 Huh. use the I2Pd browser I got from the I2Pd github. Should I just use a regular browser but harden it with addons instead?
RN I've had some blerps with StormyCloud lately
dr|z3d don't have time to care, RN. :) some blocklists to filter shit content and that's me done.
RN :)
dr|z3d end50: up to you. not familiar with i2pd browser, but i'd say yes.
RN I would presume the i2pd browser is pre-hardened
end50 Maybe librewolf or something...
dr|z3d sure, librewolf works for me.
RN librewolf has some fans
dr|z3d it's more or less kept in sync with upstream firefox.
RN also, in general... probably a good idea to run your own dns... helps check with some potential leaks
dr|z3d the anti-fingerprinting stuff might be overkill on i2p.
RN plus cached dns has advantages
dr|z3d own dns server, extended caching period, then reverse dns lookups in i2p+ can be safely enabled.
RN both in or out of I2P
end50 I don't run my own DNS but I do have dnscrypt set up.
end50 I'll look into that if this is not enough
dr|z3d as long as you trust the endpoints, you're good.
dr|z3d quad9 recommended.
end50 I have yet to mention my hate for cloudflare, by the way.
dr|z3d not a huge fan of cloudflare with their obnoxious anti-tor policy.
end50 I wouldn't mind completely abandoning clearnet at one point. It's gotten too shitty in my opinion.
dr|z3d you've come to the right place, then :)
end50 To be frank I thought I2P was new, but after I researched about it... apparently I2P has been around since 2003 or so?
RN I catch myself laughing everytime I go to do a clearnet thing in my proxied browser and hit one of my "wrong browser for [activity]" block pages
dr|z3d something like that, end50
RN I2P has been running so smooth for me lately, I barely notice the lag
RN so I started actively blocking things I shouldn't do in my proxied browser
RN give or take 3 years or so
end50 Hmm... One more question, is there any kind of culture around here that I may be wanted to follow? Anything I should or shouldn't do?
dr|z3d end50: I think you already know. we're pretty permissive, but the obvious things we avoid should be obvious without having to spell them out :)
end50 Well then. Got it.
end50 Thanks.
RN unpaid plug ━━▶ notbob.i2p
end50 I frequent that place lol.
xeiaso orignal: From what I can tell commit dc26536 fixes #397 for i2pd. Thank you!
obscuratus xeiaso: Thanks
orignal yes, thank you for finding
orignal plus few more issues