IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
Raoul I have VOICE
dr|z3d you do! well done! :)
Raoul Thanks :)
Raoul I have no idea what those flags mean
dr|z3d try typing /cycle and you'll see.
Raoul Oh, so the voice is permanent? Sweet.
Raoul Any particular reason you gave it to me lmfao
Raoul just that cool I guess
xeiaso when is the next #ls2 meeting? it still says april 24th
dr|z3d probably tomorrow, though eyedeekay can confirm.
Raoul Good to know that works
xeiaso voice in #ls2 pl0x
xeiaso weko: this is good for network, becayse that means they have enough to store all the RIs
weko xeiaso: you aren't understand)
weko Its same attack how in January
weko Spam with fake FFs
weko Normal value for i2pd is 1000-1500
weko Tunnel creation success rate: 5%
weko Some proof))
xeiaso so you must spam real FFs to counterbalance it
weko Ofc
weko We do many discourse during past case
weko But nothing of "non 1 line code" done.
weko For general fix, we must recognize fake FFs (most easy - simple ping with i2p's transport), and block its FFs (and IPs) for long time (week, for example).
weko Also, maybe we need do not flood FFs, that we not check yet.
weko Ofc, we can do some stupid things, like searching patter of fake FFs, but it is temporary and just hot fix "for works"
weko Floodfills: 18861
weko Just for understand.
xeiaso what if you throw out floodfills that aren't also routers?
weko xeiaso: any floodfill is router. Floodfills - is subset of all routers
xeiaso i mean like it shows floodfills but they don't route traffic?
weko They can't do not. But they also routers
weko They can do nt
weko They can do not
weko For example, caps "LUF" is valid
weko Mistake
weko "LRF"*
weko We recognize router as FF if it have cap "F", but we need more verification for recognize reality of this FF.
weko Spam with fake FFs is problem, because router trying get info about RIs and LSs mostly on fake FFs (witch do not sent answer), and this is reason of small TCSR
weko Critically small*
xeiaso TCSR algorithm needs adjustment, it shouldn't go so low
weko And ofc, this more probably special attack.
weko xeiaso: for i2pd now it looks correctly
weko Tunnel creation success rate: 3%
weko Looks like real value for attack time
parrot Hey hey hey!!!
dr|z3d parrot!
dr|z3d are you going to linger for more than 25ms?
dr|z3d I guess not :|
dr|z3d more mitigations in the latest I2P+ dev build.
dr|z3d if you're running a recent I2P+ dev build, router.enableImmediateDisconnect=true will deal with potentially hostile routers more aggressively.
not_bob Blinded message
not_bob 2% build success sucks.
RN quite
obscuratus I'm still hanging in there at 15%. That's my exploratory build success. I don't track overall.
not_bob eah, t's been bad.
RN I recently restarted my i2p+ (latest upgrade) and I'm at 53%
xeiaso I'm a bit of an 8% enjoyer.
RN 53% is close to what I had before applying the last update
RN so I'm pretty stable on that router
not_bob My highest is about 40%.
eyedeekay I got a couple 15-20% periods today corresponding to the worst times, but spent most of the day between 40-60% which is pretty average
eyedeekay That's my laptop, I've got the same graph on my servers, not looked at those yet
not_bob All my ip2d routers are running at 0-2%, I2P+ is doing much better.
not_bob But, that seems to be expected at this point.
eyedeekay That tracks with what most folks are reporting
RN my i2p+ console is showing 66% now
not_bob Has anyone heard from origional?
not_bob I'v pinged him. Hopefully he is already aware.
RN hey, someone was asking about the topic in #ls2 and when is the next meeting?
eyedeekay I'll fix it shortly, monday after next
RN :)
obscuratus Is there a way to send garlic messages so that they're trivial to decrypt, and a router can decrypt them even if they're not the destination.
obscuratus The answer seems obvious, but I was wondering if you could do it intentionally.
orignal eyedeekay seems we have troubles
orignal in our protocols
eyedeekay Lay it on me, what do you know?
eyedeekay obscuratus is "a router" who wants to decrypt it a router you control? If so I think yes, but if not I am less sure, first thing I would try is to just send it without encrypting it at all and see what happens
orignal transport protocol
orignal Alice never verifies Bob's identity
orignal if another guy sits on Bob's IP with righ static key
orignal she will connect successfully and will not know that's it's another router
orignal and that's going on now
not_bob So, how do with mitigate this?
not_bob ALso, this would be useful to deanon people, I would imagine, yes?
eyedeekay Right now I only see DDOS potential unless orignal has more to tell us
orignal let me expalin
obscuratus And, how would one 'sit' on someone else's IP?
orignal they generate fake routers but clone content including address
eyedeekay But the obvious thing to do is make it so Alice can verify Bob when an attacker has Bob's static key
orignal eyedeekay it's opposite
orignal legitimate user tries to connect to a fake router
orignal but sucessesfully conenct to real one
orignal and has no clue it's another router
eyedeekay Please explain then
orignal as reault
orignal say you have a FF
orignal with you published IPs and static keys
orignal an attaker clones your IPs and static keys and produces few hundreds of fake router
orignal and poison the netwrok
orignal users try to connect to that fake routers but connect to you
not_bob But then the connecion is useless, yes?
orignal 1. they have no clue they are connected to another router and believe fake routers are good
orignal 2. When they try to send a TBM it fails because you can't find your record
orignal yes but the netwrok is almost stuch because of this
orignal bunch of fake floodfills that look good
eyedeekay That would explain why Java I2P is seeing such exorbitant ban counts
obscuratus In java i2p, sybil would ban that IP.
eyedeekay 20k or more
not_bob Which is why java routers are fairing pretty well.
orignal then guys you pubish leintimate routers
orignal which IP it should ban?
orignal say you have few hundreds with same IP
eyedeekay The one with 300 routers on it
orignal and only one is real rouyter
orignal there is no 300 routers
orignal he sends 300 datasestore messages
orignal for each floodfill
orignal if you ban such IP you will ban ALL floodfiils now
not_bob Good point.
eyedeekay Ok so the burst of messages essentially knocks the floodfill offline, I see
orignal seems you still don't understan current attack
orignal the networks is posioned with fake routerinfos
orignal and you can't differentiate them
not_bob And the attack makes it hard to tell which are real.
orignal because they are clones of real floodfills
orignal there is basically only way to tell who is real
orignal one who was Alice somewhen
orignal but my point is that we have a hole in transport protocols
obscuratus OK, I think I've been seeing a few of these. Same IP, same routing key, but differenct NetDB entry.
orignal exacly
orignal Vort found 53 clones of his FF
orignal and stored all of them for analysis
orignal I think it might be more per each floodfills
orignal mine is completely busy now
orignal although I filter shit there
eyedeekay Definitely seen some here too, I've got 36 ff's on an identical IP in my banned
orignal you should turn the ban off
orignal otherwise you will be short of FFs soon
obscuratus OK, but we'd still be wading through fake FFs.
orignal I have some ideas
not_bob orignal: Awesome.
orignal first thing not accept unsolicited floodfills on non-FF onless it's in peer test
xeiaso ban the bad FFs
orignal xeiaso how do you know which one is bad?
orignal you have 53 routers with same IP
orignal 52 are bad and 1 is real
orignal my approach is different
xeiaso if 1 is legit and 52 are bad you have a 98% accuracy if you ban them all
orignal I will mark a FF as good if it's Alice and IP addresses match one he is connected from
orignal xeiaso how do you differentiate them?
xeiaso you don't but if the attacker has to 50 times more FFs then he'll run out very soon
orignal almost zero cost
orignal xeiaso he doesn't have 52 FFs
orignal he only send messages about these 52 FFs
orignal eyedeekay so any ideas?