IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
not_bob there we go.
orignal what?
orignal did drozd ban himself? ))
RN lol, let us hope not.
orignal finally
not_bob When did whoever runs reg.i2p start blacklisting sites?
xeiaso So this is interesting:
xeiaso InboundMessageDistributor::distribute calls _context.inNetMessagePool().add(msg, null, null);
xeiaso TransportManager::messageReceived calls _context.inNetMessagePool().add(message, fromRouter, fromRouterHash);
xeiaso and InNetMessagePool::add calls _context.messageValidator().validateMessage(messageBody.getUniqueId(), exp);
xeiaso A messages from down a tunnel rejected if it is a duplicate of a message received directly and vice versa. So if I send a message to an eepsite and then I re-use the messageId and exp to send a message to a router then the router would respond iff it doesn't host the destination. This is deanon...
obscuratus Irc2PGuest51721: What's an example of an I2NP message that would draw your hypothetical response.
xeiaso obscuratus: a tunnel build message would be an example
obscuratus How did you get major to do that? :)
RN obscuratus: major does that when it feels like it