IRCaBot 2.1.0
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orignal and they used "secret network" )))
mesh things seem to be getting better
mesh but the i2p network also seems significantly smaller
mesh looks like another attack
dr|z3d network isn't getting smaller, you're probably seeing shrinkage because of false positives.
dr|z3d try upgrading to the latest + if you're not already on it, -24+
dr|z3d welcome back, senpaiNikolai
dr|z3d all good over there?
senpaiNikolai dr|z3d, ye everything good here except for the poor I2P router
dr|z3d make sure you're on the latest dev build for best results
dr|z3d as you're doubtless aware, network's taking a bit of a pounding lately :)
senpaiNikolai ye I noticed
senpaiNikolai but I am not aware of why my router doesn't want to participate in network traffic
dr|z3d > make sure you're on the latest dev build for best results
dr|z3d what version are you currently running?
senpaiNikolai ah so is something related to my current stable version
senpaiNikolai 2.2.0-24 but I am trying to update
senpaiNikolai without success
dr|z3d oh, 2.2.0-24+ is current. you should be good.
senpaiNikolai still, inbound tunnels are a somewhat really difficult task for my router and participating tunnels are close to none
dr|z3d is your router firewalled?
dr|z3d have you had a look at /logs ?
senpaiNikolai my internet seems fine, either from pings (pkt loss) and speedtest
dr|z3d > have you had a look at /logs ?
senpaiNikolai yeah, there are a couple of error and warn errors but nothing else that could be related
dr|z3d how long have you been running -24 for?
senpaiNikolai The router was shut down for about 2 or 3 days due to thunderstorms but has now been running for 2 hours
senpaiNikolai and usually in 1/2 hours it get 200 or more participating tunnels
senpaiNikolai btw, when will be released version 2.2.1?
mesh senpaiNikolai: you should increase the number of exploratory tunnels
mesh you should increase the peerTestTimeout if you made it smaller
dr|z3d > ah, well there's your issue right there.
dr|z3d > offline for more than a couple of hours, it'll take a good few hours to get back up to normal service.
senpaiNikolai I hope is that, because as for now torrents and website are a mess to use
senpaiNikolai Also, I'll go to see the peerTestTimeout setting
dr|z3d if you're not in forced floodfill mode, now's a good time to turn that on.
dr|z3d may help.
senpaiNikolai ah really?
senpaiNikolai but you mean to have a more robust network or to improve connections?
dr|z3d not guaranteed to magically make everything perfect, but you'll be less reliant on potentially shitty floodfills.
senpaiNikolai because I had it enabled a while back in order to host more leasesets, but then I disabled it because it would delete the caps BC
senpaiNikolai and the inability to host firewalled connections
dr|z3d not sure why that would happen, but in any event, prioritize your own connection.
senpaiNikolai could it be the new feature of Congestion caps that I saw just now?
dr|z3d congestion caps are d, e, and g.
dr|z3d totally unrelated.
senpaiNikolai because my router is not very performant and is listed with the D cap
dr|z3d if it's running on arm/android, that's normal.
dr|z3d and if it's graded as D, then expect less traffic.
senpaiNikolai just to know, does that disable the cap or change it to something else?
dr|z3d it overrides your auto-classification as slow because arm.
dr|z3d whether it fixes your auto-D cap is an open question. let me know either way, a restart may or may not be required to verify.
senpaiNikolai I'll let u know
senpaiNikolai btw is there a list of router.config settings? I couldn't find it on geti2p website
dr|z3d try looking at /help/advancedsettings
senpaiNikolai oh I forgot the existence of that page
senpaiNikolai I am back
senpaiNikolai now tunnel build time is faster, but my router is still classified as slow (at least from the gui, maybe it is not)
dr|z3d you can also check /info to see if your cpu is classified as slow. I don't recall if it takes into account the override config.
senpaiNikolai I checked from that page before, because router identity needs to be still updated