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T3s|4 lols RN, for the exact same reasons before you get jabbed with anything, you are certain to get a quick rub down with isopropyl alcohol :)
RN cleanliness
dr|z3d yeah, alcohol. not coke :)
dr|z3d or club soda, for that matter *chuckle*
dr|z3d I don't know who recommended washing your keyboard with coke, RN, but they need taking round back and giving a good kicking.
T3s|4 club soda is a fairly effective cleaning agent, but also entails a slow rate of evaporation and the need for a copious water rinse, far from ideal for k/b maintenance. Coke, I think, would be an unmitigated k/b disaster due to its acidity and high levels of that syrupy sugar 'goodness' :)
dr|z3d well, exactly.
dr|z3d neither particularly recommended for electronics. water spray under show should work fine, as long as the electronics are bone dry before it's plugged in again.
dr|z3d *shower
RN I'ts only 14 screws
RN and about 7 cotton swabs
RN and a negligible amount of alcohol
RN unless you just had a spill, or, if you don't use a vacum on your kb once in a while
RN just lock the screen, unlike our friend T3s|4
mesh dr|z3d: is i2p+ meant to be used with hidden routers?
RN hidden as in hidden-mode?
T3s|4 lols! RN
mesh yeah
dr|z3d It's capable of being used as a hidden router.
mesh It seems that vanilla i2p seems to perform better than i2p+ for hidden mode. But then I wondered if it even makes sense to use i2p+ for a hidden router
dr|z3d that's a bit too vague to be meaningful.
dr|z3d I don't know what you mean by perform, or indeed what your expectations are, mesh.
dr|z3d The only thing that matters when you're running in hidden mode is how responsive the network is. Anything else is irrelevant.
mesh dr|z3d: i2p+ is more selective than vanilla. I'm going to take a closer look at my settings