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uop23ip tor proxy and clearnet are gone. Seems all ok. I wait for the next update for restarting (tomorrow or something, i guess). Thanks for helping dr|z3d , maybe i should make a fresh install if more of this "old" configs show up
dr|z3d release is now next week, because idk's laptop will all his developer keys failed.
dr|z3d *with all
dr|z3d that will always be the latest version in the gitlab repo on the master branch.
dr|z3d (if I pushed out a 2.3.0 update now, it would be simple for anyone looking to determine users that update are running I2P+, and we don't want that, so we'll wait for canon I2P to release first)
dr|z3d uop23ip: now that you've presumably fixed your http client proxy tunnel, would be a good time to sign yourself up for a ramble.i2p account :)
dr|z3d that applies to anyone and everyone.. signups are now open on ramble.i2p *only* .. not on or the onion site.
uop23ip dr|z3d, Why is it good time this time, again :)
dr|z3d because ramble.i2p singups were only recently enabled.
dr|z3d *signups
dr|z3d like, a couple of days ago.
dr|z3d and in your specific case, you've just configured your http proxy, so a good time to make sure it's working :)
Hikari what is the ramble.i2p service for? is it some edgy name for a forum lol
dr|z3d it's i2p's answer to reddit, in essence.
Hikari checks out
uop23ip i don't know what should hold me back. maybe.. not used my i2p email for a long ti.... Wait a minute no email needed :)
dr|z3d yeah, no e-mail required, and if you supply one, it's only for password recovery. use if you do, not @mail.i2p
dr|z3d Hikari: with the recent turbulence on reddit, we wanted something that wasn't subject to the whims of reddit management.
dr|z3d I'd been in discussion with rambler for a while about making it .i2p only for posting/registration, and then recently eyedeekay asked if we could accelerate the process, which we duly did :)
uop23ip dr|z3d, they could not handle that i2pforum was mentioned or shit like that, right?
dr|z3d uop23ip: eyedeekay got censored, probably not so much for mentioning alternative forums, but probably more for suggesting that reddit was on a death spiral.
dr|z3d note that for optimal functionality, javascript is required on ramble.i2p .. it's not necessary, but without it you won't see previews of your submissions and you won't be able to up/downvote other submissions.
uop23ip Oh dr|z3d what would happened if you have a marketplace/dread news room. I remember how they act on reddit and this could be their playroom they wanted if they are still in i2p for their stuff.
dr|z3d if the question is "is discussion of darknet markets tolerated on ramble?" then the answer is yes, more or less, as long as you're not promoting/linking to specific markets.
uop23ip Hard to find and nice to see that you think about it before. This is unique feature for i2p/ramble i think. Should give it a little bump to put it up.
dr|z3d well, once upon a time before the site was heavily abused by spammers and shit posters, anyone with an account could create a forum. that may return for i2p users in time.
uop23ip Has reddit also censored the mention of ramble?
T3s|4 o/ dr|z3d - now running your latest iteration of 38+. Not that it matters, but I hope we make it to the -forties+ prior to the 26th :D
dr|z3d lol T3s|4